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Y/N stood in front of departure board at Miami International Airport; she was looking at a destination she would travel to next. Nothing really jumped out at her so she settled on going to Texas. She wanted to say goodbye to her grandparents before she went travelling around the world not knowing when she'd come back.

Seeing that there wasn't a long line at the ticket counter Y/N jogged over and waited for the woman to look up from her computer.

"How may I help you?" The middle aged brunette asked with a fake smile. Y/N wasn't surprised, the airport was packed and no one was very friendly.

"A ticket to Houston please" Y/N said politely placing her credit card and passport onto the counter.

"Any luggage with you?" She asked typing away on her computer.

"Just my backpack" She hummed and looked up at Y/N.

"There are seats left on the flight that leaves in 30 minutes"

"I'll take it, any seat is fine" Y/N said knowing what her next question would be.

"Okay that comes to $800" Y/N filled out the information she had to and took back her credit card and her passport.

"Your flight leaves from gate G15" The lady handed Y/N her ticket and smiled as Y/N walked over to a free counter, she had her credit card, passport and ticket all in one hand as the other one was in a cast.

Y/N put away her credit card but kept her passport and ticket handy in her jacket pocket where she could easily reach it. Seeing that there wasn't long till her plane took off Y/N hauled ass and jogged towards her gate.

There was no one stood waiting at the gate, a stewardess was stood at the open gate door.

"Flying to Houston?" She asked at Y/N's confused face, Y/N nodded.

"They just started boarding; can I see your passport and ticket please?" Y/N smiled and reached into her pocket, handing them both to the woman.

The woman looked at her funnily for a second. Y/N wasn't surprised, she didn't have a black eye and busted lip in her passport photo.

"Thank you, Y/N. Please go on through, have a safe and pleasant journey."

"You too" Y/N smiled pocketing her passport and ticket again. She walked quickly down the walkway to the plane and smiled at the second flight attendant.

"Hello, please find your seat" Y/N smiled. A seat? No. I wanted to sit on the wing.

Y/N chuckled quietly to herself as she checked her ticket for her seat. 23D, that's not too bad. At least it's a window seat. Y/N thought to herself walking down the aisle feeling uncomfortable with people's eyes staring at her.

Y/N kept her eyes on the numbers next to her head until she found Row 23. A petite figure was curled up on the seat staring out of the window.

Y/N debated telling them that was her seat but she decided against it and took the seat next to the figure instead. As soon as she sat down the person in her seat turned to her.

"I'm sorry I was just looking out-" The husky voice rambled.

"It's okay, you can stay there" Y/N told them while sorting her backpack under the seat in front of her.

"Are you sure?" They asked surprised.

"Don't worry about it" Y/N nodded and leant her head back against the chair and closed her eyes.

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