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Y/N was five when her parents realized she couldn't see the colour green, she saw every colour but green, it came as grey to her; different shades of grey for each different shade of green. Poor little Y/N thought she was broken. Her parents sat her down and explained to her about her soulmate.

They told her that she'd seen the colour green once she had met her soulmate, and that green would be the colour of her soulmates eyes. It had been happening for hundreds of years. She wasn't broken.

Since Y/N was only five she didn't really understand the concept of a soulmate, But to see the world as it was truly meant to be, Y/N would have to find her soulmate and fall in love. Until then she would live with her world as it was.

It was a strange world for Y/N growing up, not being able to see the grass she walked upon or the leaves on a tree shining on a bright summer's day. Y/N would often sit and stare out of the window daydreaming of the moment she would meet her soulmate and her world would be complete.

When Y/N was 12 she decided that she wanted to an artist, she was torn between photography and painting. In the end she chose to become a photographer, painting was just a hobby to her. It was hard not being able to use colours to her ability but with pictures she could look back at the picture sight she'd taken a photo of and see it in a new light once she had met her soulmate.

Y/N was stood in kitchen with her mother baking cookies when she blurted out something that she had been thinking about for a while now.

"Mom, what if I never meet my soulmate?" 18 year old, Y/N had asked during her winter break from college.

"Sweetie that is a possibility and I know you like to over think things and obsess about them. But don't get your hopes up, I never met mine" Y/N's mom said sadly. Y/N was shocked, she had never known.

"Really? So dad wasn't your soulmate? What can't you see?" Y/N asked.

"He wasn't mine no, but I loved him with all that I had. Until he found his and left us. I have lived all of your life never being able to see the light in your eyes" Her mom frowned; it was hard for her not to see the colour of her daughters eyes. Everyone comments on the shade of them and how beautiful they are.

"You can't see blue? Why didn't you ever say anything?" Y/N frowned and pulled her mother into a hug.

"I didn't want you to give up on finding your soulmate; I wanted you to have a chance and to believe in love" Y/N smiled at her mother's answer.

"I love you Mama" Y/N placed a kiss on her mother's cheek as the oven timer went off. The cookies were finally finished.

"Don't touch" Y/N's mom scolded as she retrieved the cookies from the oven.


"What do you think of this one?" Y/N's friend asked coming out of the changing room modelling a dress she liked. They were in the Mall shopping, much to Y/N's discomfort; Rachel had an event tomorrow night and needed a new outfit apparently.

"It's grey, boring" Her friend, Rachel who worked for a local radio station, shook her head with a smirk.

"Its green dumb ass" Rachel sassed to her friend.

"Same thing" Y/N stuck out her tongue as Rachel walked back into the changing room.

"If it helps I like the look of the dress, despite the lack of colour" Y/N shouted through to her friend wearing a smile.

"Thanks babe" Rachel called back to the waiting area where her friend was hunched over playing flappy bird on her phone.

"Damn it" Y/N cursed as she died again, only ever having a high score of 4. She was about to make it 5 but she blinked in the wrong second, stupid eyelash.

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