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Lauren was nervous as she stood in  their living room, a large box in arms. A smaller box in the pocket of her jacket that she was wearing.

"Baby, I'm home" Lauren shouted upstairs knowing her girlfriend was home.

"Two seconds" Y/N replied, Lauren set the large box down on the coffee table and sat on the couch waiting for her girlfriend. 

Y/N appeared minutes later towel drying her short brown hair, dressed in a black tank top with black skinny jeans. Lauren could see the evident bulge in Y/N's jeans.

Y/N grinned when she caught Lauren's eye, she was biting her lip.

"I missed you today" Y/N greeted her girlfriend with a kiss.

"I missed you too" Lauren smiled as Y/N sat down beside her, she rested her head on Y/N's shoulder.

"What's with the box?"  Y/N asked taking her focus off her girlfriend.

"That's for you" Y/N tilted her head at Lauren as she thought about the date in her head.

"Stop being silly. You haven't forgotten anything" Lauren laughed knowing what her girlfriend was thinking.

"Promise?" Y/N asked with a chuckle as she stood up to open the box.

"Can I shake it?" Y/N smirked, she always shook birthday and Christmas presents.

"Just open it" Lauren snapped lightly, she was nervous and dreading Y/N's reaction.

Lauren watched Y/N's facial expression as she lifted the lid, Y/N turned to Lauren confusion evident on her face.

"You're giving me Nala back? She's yours baby" Y/N laughed. Y/N had won Nala for Lauren on their first date at the fair.

"I love Nala, you know that. I'm hoping someone else will love her more" Lauren smiled, tears prickling in her eyes. Y/N crouched down beside her and held her hands.

"You want to give her away?" She asked confused. Lauren shook her head with a laugh.

"Take her out of the box"

Y/N did as she was told and gasped  as she dropped Nala onto the table beside the box and reached into the box lifting out a positive pregnancy test.

Y/N turned to Lauren, her eyes wide and her hand over her mouth as tears fell freely from her eyes.

"You're .. we're ..?" Y/N cried out staring at the test clutched in her palm.

Lauren nodded letting her tears fall, Y/N dropped the test back into the box and embraced her girlfriend.

"How long?" Y/N croaked, her fists gripping the jacket her girlfriend was wearing tightly.

"3 weeks" Lauren smiled.

The pair cried into each other's necks before Lauren pulled away a large smile on her face.

Lauren took the smaller box from her jacket pocket and got down on one knee.

"Y/N, I love you. Since the moment our friends set up us by ditching us at that stupid study group. You have been by my side since that day, through the best and the worse moments in my life" Lauren paused as Y/N knelt down with her wiping her eyes softly with the pads of her thumbs.

The pair made eye contact as Lauren continued.

"I knew from the minute you didn't kiss me at the end of our first date that I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. You didn't want my first kiss to be some end of date tradition and I appreciate your loving kindness" the couple laughed.

"Will you do me the incredible honour of becoming my wife, the mother of our child and maybe one day children?" Lauren's smile only grew when Y/N threw herself on top of her.

"Yes. A thousand times yes" Y/N cried as they kissed.

Clothes were thrown across the room as Y/N explored Lauren's stomach where the baby bump would soon be visible.

The newly engaged couple celebrated their happiness together on the living room rug for the next few hours until Lauren begged for Y/N to stop.

"Sorry" Y/N laughed as she wrapped her arms around her fiancée.

Lauren cuddled into Y/N's sweaty naked chest as she tried to catch her breath.

"I love you, my beautiful soon to be wife" Y/N smiled on the verge of tears again.

"My wife" Lauren smiled kissing the crying woman.

They laid in silence for the next few minutes before Y/N sat up her back straight, she looked terrified.

"Oh god, we're gonna be parents" Y/N said in shock looking to her laughing girlfriend helplessly.

"Holy shit, your dad is gonna kill me" Y/N gasped which caused her fiancée to laugh harder before the scared look on Y/N's face made her stop.

"Well, at least I'll have your child to remember you by" Lauren giggled as Y/N pouted before mercilessly tickling her sides.

"Take it back, take it back" Y/N laughed watching her fiancée squirm with tears in her eyes as she laughed wildly.

A/N: hopefully this will help you forgive me for the sadness of the last chapter 😘

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