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She was running. From who she didn't know....she just knew that she had to get away....away from the people in the weird cloaks that reek of death.

She was two years old when it happened, being taken from her burnt down village by strange figures. Only to be tortured endlessly, She had spent the last three years watching and waiting for the perfect time to escape. She had almost made it too, as she had been sneaking around the compound without thankfully being seen by any of the guards. But, just as she was about to reach the entrance, the strange people in cloaks appeared and started to chase her.

"Cmon Selina!" Her lion summoning, Kara, yelled at the small fragile girl. Selina whimpered slightly, struggling to keep up with her two summonings. A growl was heard before Selina's body was suspended in air. The small infant landing softly on her other summonings back, another lion. "I've got you Slivy!" Kalina growls before shooting off through her torture chamber's halls.

The trio continue to run blindly, desperate to find a way out of the small five year old's hell hole. The men in the cloaks grow closer due to the summonings increasing tiredness. "Damnit! Hold on Slivy, we're going to make it!" Selina clutches tightly to Kalina's pelt, but her sweaty hands lose their grip when something knocks harshly into Kalina. Selina screams as she's sent flying, landing on her back painfully. 

Kara and Kalina quickly get up from their fallen position, and they growl and step in front of the small child, backing up into a corner of a dead end hallway. The figures finally reach the trio, each of them taking off their cloaks. Three men and one women stand in front of them, only the women smiling kindly.

"W-who are you?" Selina whispers, so quiet that the lions have to strain to hear her, even though they're right in front of the small girl. However the women seems to hear, because her smile brightens more and she whispers three words that will change Selina's life forever.

"Your new family."

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