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"BITCH! Open up the GOD DAMN DOOR!" 

Hidan screams on the other side of Selina's door. Selina sighs in annoyance, covering herself in the blankets on the small bed and choosing to ignore Hidan's rant. The pounding and insults eventually stop and Selina smiles in sleepy victory, that is until she's thrown from the bed and onto her butt on the cold tile floor. Selina glares up at Hidan, and he smirks menacingly, a glare that would scare any normal child half to death. Selina however isn't even affected as she stands up, her eyes flashing a dangerous purple. Hidan flinches but continues to smirk.

"Leader-sama wants you. NOW." 

Selina lets a quiet sigh slip past her lips, and she wordlessly makes her way across her room to search for her clothes. Hidan leaves the room, grumbling under his breath, but Selina chooses to ignore him as she puts her black cargo pants and purple cropped t-shirt on, finishing with her kunai pouch and bandages wrapped on her left leg. Selina grabs her katana that's hidden under the bed, and leaves the room, making her way down the dark corridors.

She's fourteen, the youngest member in the most feared Criminal group in the ninja world. The Akatsuki. Everyone here is owned, although the Leader keeps close tabs on Selina more so than the others.

Yeah, and it's way too close for my liking kiddo. Selina grunts in response to Mori, her tailed spirit. It's true, Pein had always had a, special liking for Selina, and it always makes her shudder whenever she feels his gaze on her. Selina stops outside Pein's door, and she takes a deep breath before she opens it. Pein sits at his desk, his eyes already glued to her form as she bows down in front of his desk. Pein gets up, standing before Selina's bowed form. 

"Selina. I'm sending you away."

 Selina's eyes widen partially at that, but she maintains her stoic expressionless face. "May I ask why my Lord?" She says, still keeping her face down and voice low. 

Pein gives a rough sighs before slapping Selina across the face. She holds back a grunt at the sheer force and pain of the single hit. 

"If you talk without my permission again I will not hesitate to punish you." 

Selina slowly nods, ignoring the burning in her cheek and the need to cry as she listens carefully to Pein's next words.

 "The Hokage and I have made a deal. He will pay the Akatsuki with money, in exchange for you going to live in Konoha. But if this Hokage fails to meet his end of the bargain then you will immediately return here. Do you understand?"

Selina nods. "Of course Leader-sama." She speaks. 

The way he said Hokage sounded like he was spitting venom on the very word. 

"Good. Dismissed." 

With that Selina nods, walking calmly out of Pein's office. She returns to her room, retrieving what little belongings she has, and walking away from her home.


Selina walks through the thick forest, lowering the barrier in her mind to let her tailed beast finally talk to her. Long time no talk Slivy. Her ten tailed spirit, Mori, says. Selina rolls her green eyes, firing back at the spirit. It's been like an hour Mori. The spirit just hums in response.

Selina sighs, used to her spirit's antics. Mori's been with her most of her life, ever since she was taken from her destroyed village at the age of two. Mori, besides her summonings, have been her only real friends her entire life. The Akatsuki, they only use Selina, the only one who Selina really loves is Itachi. He's been like her big brother, filling in that big gap that was eating Selina from the inside out. She was raised to never show emotion, resulting in her being silent unless she actually needed to talk.

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