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The next few days are filled with training and yelling. Selina's burns have finally healed and Inari wasn't talking to anyone. Through the few days Selina worked her golden chakra while the others were training, and stayed out most nights training.

Selina sighs as Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi,Tazuna, and herself make their way to the bridge. Naruto is whistling happily and Selina continues to sulk over the scar she received from the burn, when Sakura suddenly screams at the top of her lungs.

Selina instantly looks up, and her eyes widen at the sight in front of her. All of Tazuna's workers lay either dead or unconscious on the ground.

Kakashi reveals his sharingan while Selina pulls out her katana, her mind on high alert. Sasuke and Sakura get in front of Tazuna and Kara and Kalina appear with a poof next to their mistress.

It's not long before mist starts to cover the unfinished bridge, and Selina activates Mori's chakra, directing it to her eyes so she can see through the haze.

"Sasuke, Sakura! Protect the bridge builder, leave Zabuza to me and Selina." Kakashi yells, his voice slicing through the thick fog. "Kara, protect the genin, Kalina backup Kakashi." Selina whispers.

"What about you Mistress?" Kalina whispers back. Selina smirks and winks. "I'll be taking care of the twirp in the mask." Selina says, then stalks towards the two figures in the mist.

One is very tall with a strong build no doubt the famous Zabuza she's been hearing all about from Naruto. The figure next to him looks to be a small girl with a mask on. Her target, but Naruto had said that it's a boy. Selina stops, watching the two ninja who are unaware of her presence.

A deep, throaty chuckle rings through the air, coming from the man named Zabuza. "I see you've brought those brats with you again Kakashi. Oh and that ones shaking again, poor thing." Zabuza mocks.

Selina sharply looks over to her friends and smiles as Sasuke smirks and cockily answers. "I'm trembling in.....excitement." He says.

One nod from Kakashi and Sasuke sets off, destroying all of Zabuza's clones in one fluid motion. He lands with a barely concealed smack on the ground and that same cocky smirk on his face from before.

"You make a mistake underestimating my team Zabuza. Sasuke Uchiha is the best shinobi in his age group. Sakura here is our sharpest mind. And finally there's Naruto, our one of a kind, hyper active, knucklehead ninja." Kakashi finishes with his speech, the entire time Selina continues to watch the duo.

Zabuza laughs. "The brat's improved. It seems a rival has appeared, Haku." The boy next to Zabuza nods at his name, dashing off towards a waiting Sasuke.

Kara growls and drags Sasuke back the collar of his shirt, carrying him off like a mother does to her cubs. He yells and thrashes around while Haku continues to run after them at incredible speed.

But not fast enough. Selina whistles and in one swift motion appears behind Haku, who had stopped his pursuit to look behind him at the sound of Selina's whistle. He turns back with what Selina assumed would be a confused expression if she could see under his mask.

When Haku sees Selina he jumps, shaking slightly while Selina just grins with sharp canine teeth.

Kakashi chuckles upon seeing his sister scare that dangerous boy known as Haku and turns back to the raging Zabuza. Kakashi grins in victory. "I forgot to mention, my secret weapon. Zabuza, meet Selina Hatake. The youngest ANBU Black Ops, single man squad, S-ranked criminal, and number one assassin in the entire ninja community."

Upon hearing that Selina grins in response, with a flick of her wrist sending out a Kunai knife and breaks Haku's mask in half, the hard mask falling from his face.

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