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Selina watches Naruto charge at her brother, and absolutely get destroyed. Selina snickers darkly, watching as Kakashi puts his hands into that position, and yells out- "A THOUSAND YEARS OF PAIN!" And shoves his fingers up Naruto's butt. Naruto yells in pain as he flies rapidly towards the lake. Selina face palms, speeding off in a silver flash and catching Naruto by the collar of his shirt, his feet dangling mere centimeters from the crystal blue water.

"Team?" She asks, her clear voice dripping with boredom. Naruto shakes with shock before answering quickly. 

"Sorry Selina-chan, but I have to defeat this guy on my own if I ever want to become Hokage."

Selina sighs but nods, safely setting Naruto down on solid ground. He gives her a grateful nod before charging back at Kakashi.

"One down, two more to go." Selina murmurs, casting a glance at Kakashi before disappearing into the forest, jumping around on the trees looking for a certain pink haired girl.

A scream rings off in the forest, and Selina smirks. Found ya. And she comes into a clearing, where Sakura is laying on the forest floor, twitching and muttering things like "Sasuke-kun" and "stupid silver banshee."

Selina's eyes twitches and she pinches the bridge of her nose, smirking as she feels Kakashi's faint yet well-hidden chakra watching her. 

"Release." She mutters, and soon Sakura wakes up, staring wide eyed at Selina.

"Team?" She asks, already knowing the answer but decided to just give it a try. Sakura looks like a fish out of water before answering. "Team up with you?! No way, I'm going to find Sasuke-kun!"

And with that Sakura ran off, yelling Sasuke's name the entire time. Selina sighs again, taking out her katana and appearing behind the peeking Kakashi in less than a second.

"Boo" she whispers in his ear, and he jumps 50 feet in the air, whirling around attempting to land a punch on Selina. However Selina easily dodges, in return lightly pushing Kakashi off the tree. Kakashi lands with ease in the clearing, while Selina effortlessly appears behind him once again. 

"Up for a game Brother?" Selina taunts, disappearing when Kakashi whirls around, turning up behind him again.

"Not really." He growls, throwing a Kunai at one of Selina's clones. 

"Shame." Selina mutters, sprinting off into the forest to find her last teammate.

She found Sasuke crouching in the trees, so she did what any normal person would do, she went behind the emo, grabbed his ear and asked if he wanted to be on a team. 

"Tch. No you'll just slow me down." He growls, managing to escape Selina's grip and bounding off into the forest.

Selina growls in annoyance, speeding off in a silver blue towards the clearing where Naruto and Kakashi faced off. And sure enough Kakashi is there, reading his perverted book, and so is a frazzled Naruto tied up to a post. Selina doesn't bother to mask her chakra and Kakashi looks up at her, his taunting green eyes daring her to fight him. Selina smirks, in a quick barely visible blur appears in in front of Kakashi, blocking his kunai.

Kakashi goes for a roundhouse kick, and Selina grabs his leg, flipping him on his back. Then she kicks him in the back, not enough to really hurt him but enough to make him stumble a few feet. The two engage in a deadly yet beautiful dance, Kakashi always barely making the defensive and Selina doing the overpowering offensive.

Kakashi can tell that his sister is holding back some, but that doesn't stop him from continuing to play her little game. Kakashi begins to sweat, while Selina doesn't even look winded. Just how powerful is she? He growls in his mind, the lack of concentration resulting in him getting flung halfway across the field.

Selina smirks, going over to her brother and snatching the bells off of him just as the timer goes off. Kakashi gets off the ground just as Sakura and Sasuke enter the clearing, sweat dripping down the unmasked part of his face.

Selina sighs and walks up to the tied up Naruto, the lunatic Sakura, and the pouting Sasuke and throws a bell to each of them.  They each catch it, surprise and shock clear on their faces. Well except Naruto's since he saw the whole fight happen. Kakashi comes over to the group, now recovered from the sibling fight, and smiles a closed eye smile at the genin. 

"So I've decided that none of you are going back to the academy."

Naruto cheers, Sakura looks at Sasuke with hearts in her eyes, and Sasuke looks smug. Selina however, doesn't appear to show any emotion, looking at her nails like their the most interesting thing in the world.

I wonder if my brother knows anything about my past specifically. No doubt he asked the Hokage, but maybe he didn't tell him. I want him to know that I'm not with the Akatsuki by free will, but will he even believe me? I wonder if we can start to do normal things that other siblings do, I'll have to research what siblings do together first of course...

"DON'T STEP ON SASUKE-KUN!!!" Sakura's voice broke Selina out of her thoughts, her green eyes snapping everywhere for danger. Her brother is indeed stepping on Sasuke, the emo's head stuck on the ground. 

"I'll give you one more chance. Everyone eat except Naruto. If anyone gives Naruto food that person immediately fails."

Then Kakashi disappears, and Sasuke and Sakura start to eat while Naruto's stomach growls loudly. Selina sighs and with a flick of her wrist cuts the rope binding Naruto with her Katana. All three genin gasp, while Selina silently hands her lunch to the bewildered Naruto. 

"Hey, Selina-chan, you can't do that! You'll fail!" Naruto exclaims, and Selina smiles slightly. Not a real one but at least a start of one.

"I'm already an ANBU, it doesn't matter if I pass or not. But it does for you. So shut up and eat." Selina says, the smile turning back to her emotionless face as she finishes.

"WHAT?! There's no way that you're an ANBU! Quit lying you spoiled brat!" Sakura yells.

The air turns thick as Selina gives Sakura the deadliest glare the pink haired girl had ever seen. Selina's eyes accidentally flash purple, and all three genin notice it and flinch. Selina takes a calming breath but continues to glare as she rolls up her black hoodie sleeve, showing everyone her ANBU mark on her shoulder. 

"First of all I'm 100% sure that I can beat your pink scrawny little ass. And second, if anyone's spoiled. It's you." Sakura's cheeks turn red from embarrassment and is abou to say something--

Then a flash of lightning goes off and Kakashi appears, scaring the three genin while Selina rolls her eyes and puts her sleeve back down.

"YOU!!!! Pass......"

Silence follows Kakashi's statement before Naruto cheers, running to hug Selina. She panicks, and lets out a startled yelp.

Naruto stops, Sasuke stares, Sakura gasps, and Kakashi steps in front of Naruto blocking Selina from view. When Selina screamed she had fell on the floor, clutching her katana in her slim hands. She was shaking, and everyone could see it. Selina gulps and stands up, rushing out of the clearing in a blur with everyone calling her name.

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