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Selina sat in a dark corner of her room, the door locked and her katana clutched in her pale hand as she struggles to keep her emotions at bay.

About an hour after Selina left the field Kakashi had come home. Selina finally managed to calm herself down a little when Kakashi knocked on the door. Selina just stared at the old wooden door, clutching her katana closer to her chest, her hands shaking.

The knocking stops, before the door is broke in and Kakashi wildly looks around the room. His eyes soften when he sees his sister in a corner.

Selina just sits there, staring at her brother as he comes closer and crouches in front of her.

"Selina. Tell me what's wrong." He whispers, his voice calm. Selina shakes her head, refusing to look her brother in the eye. After all, he is still a man, and she doesn't know him that well. But there's this feeling that Selina has, that her brother would never hurt her.

Kakashi wasn't having it though, using more force in his voice he says. "Tell. Me. NOW." Selina flinches, looking her brother in his visible eye. What she sees there surprises her. Worry, confusion, but best of all. Love.

"I used to talk more than this when I was little. I would always sing and laugh and smile even though I was in pain most of the time. My leader, was, is a terrible man who takes little children and uses them for experiments. I was one of those kids." Selina whispers.

Kakashi's fists are balled and he waits, watching his sister battle with her emotions, the things that scare her so much. He wishes that he could comfort her, but he didn't want to scare her further.

"One day, the experiments stopped, and the pain went away. I was allowed out of my room, and my leader came to see me, which he never did. I thought, I was finally being accepted, but I was wrong. He showered me with false kindness, and I was too young and stupid to notice it. At the end of the day I was so happy because I thought I had found a family, and when the leader called me into his office I wanted to play more. But when I got in there....."

Selina trailed off, biting her lip. Damn emotions, their just making everything so complicated.

"But when I got in there- he- he attacked me." Selina whispers. Kakashi stands up suddenly, shaking with rage.

"Selina, don't tell me...." He says, and Selina nods.

"Ya. He raped me."

A crash and several yelled cuss words follow. Selina stands up, watching her brother punch holes through the wall and yell insults at her leader.

"How old were you?" He whispers. Selina sighs, looking down at the floor. "I was six."

Kakashi loses it. "WHAT THE HELL KIND OF MAN RAPES A LITTLE GIRL?! I'LL KILL HIM!!!" Kakashi screams, punching new holes in the wall.

Selina gasps, tears rolling down her cheeks. It's the first time she's cried in seven years. She goes over to her brother and puts her hand on his shoulder. Kakashi tenses and slowly turns around to face Selina.

"Just-just calm down. There's nothing you can do now. So just please, don't do something stupid." Selina begs, tears leaking down from her cheeks.

She hates being weak, but she can't help but cry when she her brother looks this troubled and angry. She never told anyone, not even Itachi about what Pein does to her.

Kakashi looks at his sister, and even though he's still pissed beyond belief he sighs, taking his small sister into his arms. She tenses at first, but then she slowly relaxes into the hug.

Kakashi decided then that he would always protect his sister, even if it cost him his life.

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