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Needle after needle comes parading down on Sasuke, Naruto, and Selina. They manage to dodge some of them, but most of the needles pierce their bodies, making them slow down and gasp for much needed air.

Selina shakes, pulling out needles and glaring up at Haku. "Mori" she mutters and the spirit gets the message, sending chakra to Selina's feet and hands.

With a battle cry she leaps forward and cracks one of the mirrors, but it quickly repairs itself. She groans, falling back to the ground panting heavily.

This wouldn't be so difficult if she didn't have to worry about Sasuke and Naruto all the time.

"Shadow clone Justu!" Naruto yells, and a hundred Naruto's appear, all rushing towards the ice mirrors. "No Naruto!" Selina yells, but Haku attacks, sending the real Naruto down in a heap.

This is ridiculous, I can't get a single hit in! She growls to herself, watching Sasuke and Naruto argue and doing their own stupid attacks.

Selina's purple eyes wildly flick back and forth, looking for some type of loophole or opening that will give her and her teammates an advantage.

But Haku continues to attack over and over again, and Selina's gut clenches with fear. Fear of letting her brother down. Fear of watching more loved ones die. Fear of being weak.

Sasuke jumps in front of Naruto, saving him from the oncoming reign of needles while Selina simply stands there in shock, faintly recognizing the bloody needles that pierce her own skin. And she watches as Sasuke falls to the ground, lifeless while Naruto cry's over his friends dead body.

And Selina breaks. The seal on Mori comes undone and Selina screams, throwing her head back in triumph and power as purple chakra blasts out surrounding the entire town.

Mori comes out at full force, blocking Naruto's mere anger and the nine tailed beast by ten times.

It's as if everything happens in slow motion. The nine tails chakra combines with Mori's, and this time Selina screams with pain. Burning hot liquid pours in her veins, heading straight towards her heart.

Selina screams again, and faintly she hears her name being called out, and something that sounds like glass shattering.

Her heart rate begins to slow rapidly and she can imagine the liquid encasing her heart and turning it to stone.

When she's about to lose consciousness a voice rings above them all. I'll kill him. There's no way he's going to get away with what he did to you. I promise you.

That voice that makes her heart beat faster quite literally dragged Selina out of death and slowly, the burning traveled away from her heart, and onto her stomach.

She grunts, blinking away the lingering blurriness for her eyes, then stands up and looks around her. Sasuke still lays motionless on the ground, and a twinge of pain erupts through her until she realizes something.

She can still sense his chakra and Selina smiles, nodding her head as of in approval saying goo you didn't die Duvkbutt then looks over to Naruto casually talking to Haku.

Selina smirks and in a flash appears in front of Haku, her back facing Naruto. "He's mine" she growls. "But-" Naruto starts. "HE'S MINE NARUTO. Go check on Sasuke." Selina growls and she heres no further complaints.

Haku gulps in fear and her smirk widens. Selina feels a new rush of power surge through her, different from Mori's and she loves it.

"Your going to regret hurting my friends." She growls.

Haku gulps once again, looking at the silver haired ninja in front of him in fear. Earlier she had been scary enough, with her barely concealed purple chakra surrounding her body. But somethings different. This time her purple chakra is accompanied by bright streaks of red. Her chakra bursts all around her, like she's not even bothering to hide it anymore. "Beast." He whispers and she laughs, sneering as if in disgust. "I'm no beast sweetie. I'm a Monster."

Selina attacks, not needing her katana and takes down Haku with just mere punches. Her speed is unreal. Her strength is unreal. She's unreal. And she loves it.

Haku splutters up blood, and Selina walks up to him with one purple and one red eye. All of a sudden Haku disappears and seconds later she hears a scream that rings through the entire village.

Selina appears by Sakura in a flash, looking for danger, but saddens when she finds why Sakura screamed. Haku stands there, impaled by her brothers lightning coated hand, a small trickle of blood leaking form the corner of his mouth.

And Zabuza stands behind Haku, sadness and shock evident in his black eyes. Kakashi stammers and let's go, Haku's body falling lifeless to the ground.

Zabuza laughs and attacks Kakashi, rambling nonsense about Haku being a tool and that he expired his use.

All at once Selina's anger is back, but before she can do anything Sakura puts a comforting hand on her shoulder as if to say I'm here, don't worry.

With one grateful nod Selina's chakra immediately recedes completely, as she watches Naruto yell at Zabuza.

"Why aren't you scared?" Selina whispers, turning to look at Sakura with eyes brimmed with tears.

Sakura smiles sweetly and pulls Selina in for a hug. "Because I love you and I know you'd never hurt me."

And Selina cry's.


"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura screams, hugging Sasuke's body. Selina sighs, and walks over to Sakura. "He's not dead" she says and everybody turns to look at her. Naruto with sadness, Sakura with hope, and Kakashi with suspicion.

"R-really?" Sakura sniffles and Selina nods. Can't they feel his chakra? It's like a fire in the middle of winter!

"How do you know-" Kakashi's cut off when Sasuke wakes up, blinking at Sakura then looking over to Naruto and Selina, his expression flashing relief.

Kakashi comes over to Selina after patting Sasuke on the shoulder. "How did you know Sasuke was still alive?" He questions and Selina looks quizzically at her brother.

"I sensed his chakra. Didn't you?" She asks and her gut clenches in unease when her brother answers. "No, I didn't sense anything from him."

Hey Guys! First I want to thank you all so much for the support and comments! It really means a lot to me. My family has never approved of me being a writer, so it's good to know that my work is bringing some people joy!

SECOND... Comment on this page if you know or think you know what happened with Selina and Naruto's chakra. I'm curious to read what your ideas are!


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