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The next day Selina woke up early, gracefully getting out of her bed. The clock by her bed read 5:00 a.m. Selina sighs, stepping over her sleeping lions and soundlessly reaching the bathroom.

Selina looks in the mirror, grimacing slightly. Her green eyes look dull, lifeless compared to her sparkling energetic brothers, and there's visible bags hanging down under her eyes. Her silver hair looks like a rats nest, cascading down to the small of her back. Her body is covered in battle and torture scars. Her small figure stands out against all the other girls, but that's what makes Selina more deadlier. People always manage to underestimate her since she's smaller. But in reality she's stronger, faster, and has more chakra than most grown up ninjas.

Selina sighs and quickly takes a shower, then wakes up the two lions. She leaves a small note for Kakashi along with a prepared breakfast, then the trio heads out to train. Selina and the lions run happily across the village, all the way to the woods, continuing to run until they come across a huge clearing.

Selina practices ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu while Kara and Kalina watch her with observant eyes. Finally after four hours she stops, not even breathing hard or sweating. 

"Kara! Kalina!" Selina yells sharply making the two lions flinch and quickly go to Selina.

Selina eyes the two emotionlessly. 

"Let's play tag." She says simply, and the two lions sweat-drop, but soon nod excitedly. It's so rare that Selina decides to play with them. When they were living with the Akatsuki Selina was always on guard with her emotions and expressions, and she rarely ever talked or smiled. Now that she's out though, her true emotions are surfacing again.

The two yip, running off into the forest with Selina hot on their heels. Selina quickly tags Kalina, then runs off, jumping on the trees. Kalina growls and bolts off after her sister, Kara.

The trio play for a while, Kara and Kalina laughing while Selina runs with her lions, feeling a sense of freedom wash over her. A loud SCREECH interrupts the trio's game, and with a raise of Selina's hand the game stops immediately. Above them is a black crow, circling the spot above their heads.

Selina jumps out of the tree, Kara and Kalina following their masters actions before they take off into the Hidden Leaf Village.

A minute goes by and Salina dismisses her summonings and knocks on the Hokage's door. Two men in ANBU uniform open the door and grab Selina's arms, pulling her inside. Selina immediately bows down on one knee.

"Stand up child." The Hokage orders. Selina does so, gracefully standing to her full five foot length. Compared to the two ANBU ninjas in the room she was tiny, while the two raised to over six feet.

Hehe shorty, too bad they don't know what your're capable of... Mori sings in her head. Selina chuckles in her head, but is careful to not let any emotion show on her face as she realizes the Hokage was speaking the entire time.

" that's why I decided to put you on a team of genin." Selina's eyes widen, and she internally groans. Mori roars with laughter at her reaction.

Why the HELL do I have to be on a team of genin? Selina mentally complains.
Well you would have known that if you would have actually listened to the Hokage. Mori snickers.
THATS BECAUSE YOU wouldn't SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Selina roars, about to lose her cool at the annoying spirit. No need to be rude geez... Mori pouts. Selina resists the urge to growl and shuts the connection between the two off while she attempts to listen to the Hokage.

"Now I understand that you are far above the ANBU black ops ninja here, so I'm making you an elite one man group in the ANBU. Come hers so I can give you your tattoo." Selina smirks internally at the two ANBU ninjas expressions while she walks to the Hokage.

He dips a stamp into something red and thick. Blood? No it's too thick to be blood. The Hokage stamps it on Selina's right back shoulder. Hot.Wax. They put hot wax on her.

After it's done Selina silently nods and steps back. "Here are some files for your first mission. There's also one of you in there, incase you want to know about your home village." Selina once again nods, taking the files then jumping out the open window behind the Hokage's desk.


Selina stared emotionlessly at the man in front of her, crawling over to her and daring to touch her legs. "Please. Have Mer-" his sentence was cut off as Selina broke the mans neck swiftly.

"I don't give Mercy to those who don't deserve it." She speaks coldly, although the man is already dead. Selina walks over the ten dead rogue ninja, kicking each of them to make sure that they're dead. The mission had been simple enough, find the ten ninja who had stolen a scroll from a wealthy merchant who was allies with the Leaf, and return the scroll without reading the contents. The ninja had been a bit of a challenge, but nothing that Selina and her lions couldn't handle. Though they would all be walking away with some bruises and cuts. 

The setting sun seems to sigh, resting right on Selina's long silver hair, making it shimmer and sparkle. Kara and Kalina follow the silent ninja as she makes her way through the woods until she stops at a big oak tree, resting her elegant hand on the bark of the tree and looking up into the orange sky.

"Kara, did you know that I had a brother?" Selina asks quietly, nervous yet curious of hearing the answer. Kara hesitates, pondering on wether she should tell her Mistress what's she knows.

"Please Kara, I just, I just need to know." Selina whispers, for once showing emotion, even in the slightest of ways. 

"Yes, once I heard Pein speak of an older brother working in the Hidden Leaf Village. But I didn't pay any attention to it until now. Forgive me, Mistress." Kara speaks the last part quietly, her head bowed down in submission.

Selina sighs heavily, turning towards her summonings. "Alright, let's go back home." 

Selina spins on her heel, her silver hair flying behind her as the three race through the forest, starting the long trek home.

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