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Check out the YouTube video up top! This is the song I listened to while writing this chapter.





Selina grunts, dodging the paper bombs that are thrown her way, flipping and running towards her opponents. And damn are there a lot of them. At least four teams are ganging up on her and her lions. Kara! Try to get in close and do some damage. Kalina! Aid your sister, I'll try my best to help take them down. Selina rushes in, whipping out her katana and slashing a kid on the back of his legs, then she jumps back as Kunai are thrown at her.

Kara and Kalina manage to take down two more while Selina try's not to kill anybody. Though that proves difficult when all of them are trying to kill you. Finally after twenty minutes of nonstop fighting, the four teams are down, and Selina grabs an Earth scroll from a small girls pouch. Kara and Kalina trot over to her, both of them breathing heavily but no wounds on their dark fur. Are you alright Slivy? Kara asks, rubbing her big head on Selina's leg.

Selina sighs heavily, but nods and the trio continue on their way, now having both an Earth and Heaven scroll. "AHHH!" The scream rings out through the forest, one that sounds awfully familiar to Selina. "Sakura" Selina mutters, and bounds off towards the scream, looking to help her close friend. Her lions follow closely behind, concern for the pinkette filling them too. Not long has passed when Selina finds her in a small clearing, being punched ruthlessly by a sound ninja while she holds onto him with her teeth. 

Selina growls, and in a silver flash she rips the ninja away from Sakura, catching Sakura in the process. "S-Selina" Sakura mutters, looking at her silver haired friend with relief. "Hey Bubblegum, hang on ok?" Selina says, moving Sakura out of harms way. "Kalina! Kara! Protect Sakura at all costs." Selina commands, leavng no room for argument. The quickly follow their orders, taking a protective stance in front of Sakura. 

Selina faces the three sound ninja, her eyes turning purple with Mori's chakra. "Hahaha, what you think you can take us on by yourself girly? You have no idea who your dealing with." One of them laughs. Selina narrows her eyes, taking out her katana and stroking the blade ever so slowly. "You know, I hate how you underestimate me. Unfortunately for you I'm stronger than I look." Selina grins sadistically and moves to slash her sword at them. One of them rolls up his sleeves and a piercing sound shatters Selina's ears. 

Selina falls to the ground, screaming in pain. "No!" She hears someone yell. Selina grunts and stands up despite the pain in her skull, and throws several kunai at the sound ninja. Most hit their mark, lodging themselves deep in the ninjas flesh. "W-what? How are you standing right now?" One says, looking at Selina with wide eyes. Selina grimaces but laughs lowly. "I told you not to underestimate me." Selina speeds off, kicking the boy that attacked her in the svhest, sending him flying with Mori's chakra. One try's to attack her from behind but before he can he suddenly stops, unable to move.

Selina's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Huh, troublesome woman. Do you know how much you worry me?" Selina grins, turning to face her one and only Shikamaru Nara. "Shika? What are you doing here?" Selina grins, happy to see him. He just shrugs before replying cockily. "Just saving you and your friends." He turns his attention back to the sound ninja. "You bitch! I'll kill you!" Selina whirls around to find the one she sent flying earlier charging at her, kunai at the ready. Selina smirks, unsheathing her katana and meeting him. 

Sparks fly and Selina delivers a kick to the ninjas feet, leaving him on his back and completely vulnerable. A dark chakra suddenly floods the clearing, and both Selina and the sound ninja stop. " Sakura, who did this to you?" Sasuke's cold voice speaks. Selina turns around and watches as Sasuke goes and attacks the one who punched Sakura, breaking his arms in an instant. "Sasuke stop!" Sakura screams. Sasuke falls to the ground and that's where Selina stopped paying attention.

"We see why he wants you. For now we'll call it a draw Sasuke Uchiha. And you Beautiful Monster, we'll be sure to come back for you.""Can't wait." Selina grins. They all leave, carrying the one whose arms are broken with them. Selina sighs, shaking her head and goes to leave, but someone catches her wrist, spinning her to face them. "Your not hurt are you?" Shikamaru questions, looking over Selina for any injuries. Selina chuckles lightly, putting her hand on his cheek and stroking it with her thumb. "I'm alright. Thank you and be careful, your not the only one that worries." Selina whispers, kissing him on the lips quickly, then leaves with her lions to finish the second exam. 

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