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*Two days later*

Selina wakes up at 3 a.m. doing her usual routine and then heading to the training grounds. Kara and Kalina appear with a poof, racing each other through the woods while Selina runs behind them, her green eyes showing a spark of laughter.

The training grounds comes into view and Selina blurs past the lions, dancing around in silent victory as her lions pout, but grin because their mistress was finally showing at least a little emotion.

Kara and Kalina had always been worried about Selina because she never talked, or showed emotion, or showed real happiness. They had tried to crack her shell and fill in that space she had when her family died. But even though they know she loves them, it just wasn't enough. After Pein had used her when she was six, Selina had become more distant, and became wrapped up in training.

Selina sighs, sitting on the ground and meditating. Her thoughts soon consumed her, floating around her mind like a swarm of bugs.

It had been two days, two days, since she had told her brother a part of her dark past. She had never told anyone about that before and she was scared that her brother would reject her because of how broken she really is.

But he had done the exact opposite, instead he welcomed her and comforted her, loved her, a feeling that was entirely new to her.

Pein had always said that nobody would ever want her because of how broken and terrible she was. Selina knows that she's not a good person, and that when the time comes for her to die she will surely go to hell, but she didn't want to believe that everybody would reject her.

Selina sighs, opening her eyes and standing up. It's clear that she wouldn't be able to train properly with her thoughts swarming around. She had excused her summonings a while ago, so she was alone.

The orange sun rises from behind the trees, reflecting on Selina and casting an orange hue on the training ground. Selina smiles, a real genuine smile before walking through the woods and into the small village that she's gotten so familiar with.

And it's not just the village, but the people too. She's gotten used to people greeting her, hugging her, talking to her, caring for her.

Selina looks up to the sky when she sees a black bird flying over her head, and she sighs.

What do you think it is this time? More child's play? Mori asks. It's the first time he's spoken since after Selina's first ANBU mission.

Probably. Mori, where the hell have you been? Selina demands, concern for her spirit clouding her. Well, I just thought that you would want some space after the whole brother and new team thing. Why is wittle Swivy wonley now? Mori taunts, snickering and Selina growls.

Mori you little bastard.... She growls, and cuts the connection off from her spirit as she knocks on the Hokage's door.

A scratchy 'come in' answers on the other side of the door, and Selina enters, bowing her head respectfully to the Hokage.

She still isn't completely comfortable around him, but he hasn't done anything to hurt her, yet. Selina looks to the old man sitting in front of her, cocking a silver eyebrow at him as he continues to stare at the young ninja.

Finally the old man speaks up, leaning forward on his desk and placing his chin on his intertwined fingers.

"Selina, you will be accompanying Asuma and his team on a B-ranked mission to the village in the Stones."

Selina internally groans as does Mori. What the hell old man?! Mori yells. Let me at him Slivy! It's bad enough that we have to be in a team with a stuck up duck butt, a harassing orange ball, and a pink headed wannabe, now we have to help some snot nosed kids on a mission?! Mori rants, while Selina attempts to listen to the Hokage.

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