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Selina and her team walk through the streets of Konoha, none of them saying a word after that weird Gaara incident. Sasuke kept casting glances at Selina, and Selina balls her fists.

By the time they make it to the Academy she's basically on fire, raging from all the glances she keeps getting from her teammates. "WILL YOU QUIT FUCKING LOOKING AT ME LIKE I HAVE TWO HEADS?!" Selina screams, smoke coming out of her ears.

Most people would cower in fear from Selina's outburst and the amount of chakra radiating off her in waves. But her teammates were having trouble concealing their laughter over her outburst and the fact that steam was pouring out of her ears and that her face was red.

Selina growls in frustration running her hands through her long untamed silver hair that cascades down her back in long elegant waves. These people are so infuriating. Selina growls to her spirit. Want me to kill them? Mori jokes, laughing when Selina sweat drops. Uh, no thanks Mori. She says.

Selina's bad mood disappears when she spots her lazy ninja walking towards her, smirking and letting his brown eyes look over her body. Selina smiles softly as he wraps his arms around her waist, burying his face in the crook of her neck. The 'oohs' and 'ahs' from her teammates make Selina squeak and hide closer to Shikamaru.

He chuckles, a deep husky chuckle that sends shivers down Selina's spine and plants a kiss on her lips. This makes everyone holler and yell, and by this time Selina's face looked like a tomato.

Their moment is short lived however when a Kunai speeds through the air towards Shikamaru's back. In an instant Selina whips out her famous katana, sparks showering when the dagger makes contact with the sword. Selina growls lowly, her eyes flashing purple. She looks around the small crowd of people that had gathered to watch the commotion, rage boiling deep within her. She will not tolerate threats to the ones she loves.

A deep throaty chuckle rings throughout the crowd, and two sound ninja step from the sea of people. "Nice moves grandma." One says, eye raping Selina. Shikamaru growls lowly behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her against him. She can hear the smirk when he answers. "Keep checking out my girlfriend and I'll show you some of my own moves."

The sound ninja growl in rage, stepping closer. Selina growls louder, power coursing off of her in waves making even Shikamaru flinch. "Back. Off." She growls.

The face off continues, Selina glaring and the sound ninja silently planning their next move. Until someone clears their throat. Selina looks over and her glare narrows, her power increasing.

There stands the one man that she was dreading and excited to see. "Kabuto" Selina hisses.


Said man turns to Selina with a sadistic grin, bowing low so his nose almost touches the ground. "That's me" he says cockily. Selina stands there, motionless and observes, taking mental notes on him. How he moves, where he keep his weapons pouch, how much chakra he has. Mori stirs inside Selina's head. This guy, something's off. He says. Ya but what? I can't sense any hidden chakra from within him, what about you?

Mori sighs, looking out of his hosts body and attempting to analyze Kabuto. However he comes empty handed, sensing nothing just like Selina said. No, it's like, he doesn't have one. Selina continues to ponder over all this new information, meanwhile Kabuto is stupid enough to mock Selina.

"What are you, 80? Who has silver hair as a child?" He says, laughing to himself, and the crowd shuffles, feeling the overwhelming tension between the two. Before Selina can respond Shikamaru chuckles, but not his usual husky laugh, no, this one is a warning. "Says you. Come on Selina, let's go." Shikamaru finishes, keeping his firm grip on Selina's waist and helping her through the thick crowd.

"Don't let him get to you." Shikamaru whispers in Selina's ear, rubbing her back in comforting little circles. Selina merely nods, leaning into Shikamaru for support. Now that their away from the sea of people she can think again.

They make it to the third floor, both staring at the old heavy looking wooden doors, one thinking about a mission while the other is thinking about a competition. Shikamaru smiles down at Selina, waving at her as he walks through the door. Selina's about to follow until a familiar chakra appears next to her.

"Nervous?" Kakashi asks, hugging his little sister from behind. Selina shrugs, keeping her emotions locked away once again. "Care to tell me why you didn't mention it's a competition?" She says blankly, but Kakashi only chuckles. "Cause then you wouldn't have come." Selina tilts her head up to look at her brother with a raised eyebrow. "And what's stopping me from leaving right now?"

Kakashi grins from under his mask, the black fabric seeming to have ripples in them from the action. "Because, Shikamaru's here and you would never let him go into a fight without you there to protect him." And the bastard poofs away.

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