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"Here" Kakashi yells, throwing three Kunais at Selina's team. They catch them with ease, looking up to their Sensei who's currently hanging upside down in a tree by his feet.

Selina sits leaning against a small oak tree, her head back and her eyes closed. Her right arm lay draped across her stomach resting near her burns.

Selina and her team are in the forest next to Tazuna's house, while the three genin learn how to control their chakra Selina sits there, eyes shut in pain.

She had sent Kara back to wherever they go so she could rest and right now Kalina was laying lazily on Selina's right. She didn't want to admit it but, she's in a lot of pain and can't walk very well on her own.

Hopefully in a few hours it will be fully healed. Since Selina has three chakra's inside of her she heals faster than any normal ninja. Minor cuts heal instantly, but bigger things like gashes and burns and stabs take a day or two.

The entire day Selina sat against her tree, watching Naruto and Sasuke battle against each other for top squad member. Sakura had long climbed the tree an was sitting by Selina, softly petting Kalina's fur.

Kara and Kalina had grown fond of Sakura. They won't let Sasuke or Naruto pet them, but at least the lions won't attack the two boys either. Kakashi is their favorite since he is Selina's brother.

"Is it true?" Sakura asks Selina as they were watching the boys climb trees. Selina turns to Sakura with a puzzled expression and Sakura's gaze softens. The two had become close like sisters since Selina started talking.

"Is what true?" Selina asks, a wary feeling growing in the pit of her stomach. "Your past, all those horrible things that happened to you." Sakura whispers, tears rolling down her pink cheeks.

Selina sighs softly, glaring at Kalina before turning her attention back to Sakura. "Ya. It is." Selina says, ready for Sakura to leave and never talk to her again.

But instead Sakura sobs, grabbing onto Selina and bear hugging her. "T-that's terrible! H-how did y-you survive it?" Sakura mumbles in Selina shirt and Selina smiles softly, hugging her pink headed friend back just as tightly.

"Because I refuse to let someone else make me weak. If I'm weak, it's because of me, not someone else who try's to make me weak."

Honestly Selina wasn't mad about Kalina telling Sakura, she had planned on telling the young ninja anyway. She's just glad that Sakura didn't call her broken or a freak like most girls would.

After that Sakura and Selina sit side by side, holding hands and leaning on each other's shoulders till its night time and time to go back.


"More!" Naruto and Sasuke yell at the same time, before looking at each other and throwing up the good that they just scarfed down. Selina sighs and Sakura yells at the two boys while Kakashi continues to read his perverted book.

Kalina growls by Selina, "what a bunch of idiots" she mutters and Selina chuckles. "Hey, if you don't mind me asking, why is this picture ripped?" Sakura's voice rings through he now silent house.

An awkward and depressed aura comes around the room and Inari runs out of the room. Tazuna then explains the story of Inari's 'father' being a hero to this village and being executed because of it.

Selina could hear Inari crying upstairs thanks to Mori's powers. Selina leaves in the middle of the story, walking slowly and tenderly upstairs. The pain had receded some and now she can walk by herself, but her lions insist on taking shifts to watch out for her.

Selina finds Inari crying in his mothers room, staring out at the ocean with tears and puffy eyes. Selina sighs, silently dismissing Kalina and walking in.

I feel like a fricking old lady... Selina grumbles, and touches the crying child on the shoulder. He whips around and glares at Selina. "Go away." He spits. Selina rolls her green eyes and sits across from Inari.

He gets up to leave but stops when Selina speaks. "Inari, so you think your the only one who knows pain?" She asks, looking the child straight in his brown eyes.

He whirls around, tears streaming down his small chubby face as he answers with force. "Nobody knows as much pain as me." He says.

Selina smiles softly, shaking her head. "Your wrong. I know people who have suffered far worse than you have and are still smiling today." She says standing up to face Inari.

His small hands ball into fists and he yells. "What do you know?! You probably had a perfect life with a perfect little family while I was losing my family! You know nothing about pain!" He screams.

Selina rolls her eyes again. "Listen kid, the world doesn't revolve around you so quit acting like it does. Did you know that Naruto never knew his parents and he didn't have any friends growing up? He had to take care of himself, learn how to fend for himself and stand up for himself. And even though the villages treated him like crap he still smiled and said hello to each and every one of them."

Selina says and cuts off Inari's incoming sentence. "What about Sasuke? His entire clan was murdered by his brother. And now thanks to reasons he doesn't fully understand he didn't even have a childhood and matured instantly, taking care of himself and himself only. The kids so hell bent on revenge that he can truly live."

"WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME THIS?" Inari screams, crying and holding his head in his hands. Selina can sense her teammates chakra's outside the door but she ignores them, glaring at the spoiled kid in front of her.

"Because you need to get your head out of your butt kid. You know nothing about us so don't automatically think that your the only one suffering. Instead f crying like a spoiled brat face your problems with a high head and strong heart. Because if your weak, and can't protect the ones you love, then there's nothing worth living for."

Selina says, and walks out leaving Inari crying and meeting the shocks faces of her teammates. "That was a little harsh don't you think?" Sasuke says and Selina looks at him with expressionless eyes.

"Absolutely." She says and walks away.

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