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Great, I just met him a second ago and I already hate him. Selina mutters, staring down the strange redhead in the tree. He stares back with a confused expression.

There's a whooshing sound to Selina's left and the boy disappears, only to reappear within sand next to her. Selina turns to her left and looks at the strange boy again, his eyes once again flashing red. Selina tilts her head slightly, confused before she decides to do something that sets the redhead off.

She flashes her purple eyes for a few long seconds, before they fade back to her original emerald green. The red head's eyes widen slightly, and he gapes silently at her.

The silence is broken by the one and only Naruto, screaming at the red head to 'fight like a man.' Cat dude speaks us then, raising his first to hit Selina when a pebble scrapes across his knuckles, drawing blood.

Selina smirks, looking up at the tree along with the red head to see Sasuke sitting on a tree branch, smirking like the cocky bastard he is. "Your a long way from home, and way out of your league. I suggest you go home." He says.

Selina rolls her eyes and walks back over to Naruto, feeling the red head's eyes on her while she moves. Selina turns back around, watching in boredom as Sasuke attempts to look cool by jumping out of the tree and rudely asking the three ninja for their names.

"I am Gaara of the desert. I am also interested in you and the one with silver hair." Red head, or Gaara as she now knows speaks up, glancing over at Selina. Sasuke smirks acting all high and mighty. "Name's Sasuke Uchiha." Gaara nods, looking to Selina.

Selina smiles slightly. "Selina" she says not giving her last name. Once Gaara notices this he nods, looking back to the group of Leaf Ninja. "I apologize for any inconvenience these two caused you. We'll be going now." The threesome stalk off leaving Selina to wonder just who that Gaara dude is.

Short chapter I know but the next one will be longer I promise! I'm so busy with school, music, swim, and family issues that I barely have time to write. But I'm planning on continuing this book so don't worry I'm not quitting!


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