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GUYS I forgot to mention a few things in the story, so here you go;)

First, Mori's name means 'The Great Protector' thus the whole ten tailed and forest thing.

Second, Only Selina's summonings and Mori call her Slivy, and that's a nickname from her past that her mom used to call her.

And that's all! Enjoy the story folks!!^_^

A few hours later Selina and the rest of team seven sit in the classroom, waiting for their Sensei. Selina sits in the same spot as she did when she met Shikamaru, her eyes closed as she tries to focus on meditating. She still couldn't explain the small connection the two seemed to have, but she stuffed the emotion down, playing it off as her being tired.

Selina could feel her teammates gaze on her and she fought the urge to shrink into nothingness. One certain pink haired girl was staring daggers at Selina, while Selina continued to meditate.

Thoughts of the Akatsuki clouded her mind, images of Pein and Itachi and Hidan. She's extremely scared of Pein, and she had been ever since she was a little girl. He used her, in more ways than one, for his pleasure and for his experiments. Hidan didn't scare her, but he's a total pervert and has tried to take advantage of her. In result of the Akatsuki's men behavior, Selina is really jumpy around men, or even boys.

Itachi and partly Kakashi are the only men she really trusts. The Hokage even scares Selina, though she would never admit it. The day that Pein took advantage of her, he was extremely kind to her. He took her on a walk around campus, played games with her, and even said a compliment or two. But that night she was called into his office, and she happily skipped down the halls to his office, thinking that Pein had finally accepted her. Or at least liked her. But when she steeped into the unusually dark office, Pein came behind her and forcefully took her.

She was six, and that's the day she quit talking, only when absolutely necessary.

She's snapped out of her thoughts when she senses a familiar chakra, then the door opens and roaring laughter follows after. Selina looks up with emotionless eyes, seeing her brother walk through the door, a chalk piece on the floor, and an orange ball that's cackling like crazy.

"Hmm, my first thought of this team, is you're all idiots, except her." Kakashi says, on the last part pointing to Selina. 

Everyone besides the orange ball and Kakashi glare at Selina. Selina sighs and gets out of her seat just as Kakashi mutters "meet me on the roof" and disappears. The four walk up the stairs, and soon make it to the roof.

Once they're all seated Kakashi faces the four, looking them over until he finally speaks up. "Alright, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourselves."

The pink haired girl speaks up, sounding all happy and spoiled. "Why don't you go first Sensei?" Selina sighs, sitting up straight and staring at the ground.

She knows that this exercise is for her too, for her teammates to get to know Selina, but she's not supposed to reveal anything about herself. Hopefully Kakashi doesn't call on her and just understands that.

"Alright, last one!" Selina looks up, and is about to shake her head no when two poofs go off, and Kara and Kalina appear next to Selina. "She doesn't feel like telling you." Kalina growls, stepping closer to Selina, as does Kara.

The three genin and Selina's brother stare wide eyed before Kakashi gives a closed eye smile, turning back to the other three ninja.

"I'll introduce her tomorrow. For now, meet me at the training grounds at 5 a.m. tomorrow. We're doing a survival test."

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