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Na na na na na na

Mori sings in Selina's head as she twirls her pencil carelessly in her hand. The sound of pencil scribbles fills the cramped room as the rest of the ninja fill out their tests. Selina had finish about thirty minutes ago and now she's extremely bored out of her mind.

Finally, after the last group gets escorted out for cheating, the exam is over. "You runts think......" Selina sighs and blocks out the new instructor at the front, instead she closes her eyes and connects to Kara. God this is so boring, can't we just get on with it already? Selina complains. Kara grunts softly in reply. Slivy, what do you think will happen out there? You know you can't protect him. Selina sighs her heart clenching at the thought. I'll do whatever it takes.


About twenty minutes later Selina and the rest of the ninjas are out in the training grounds each team separated from each other. Some of the teams, the rookies, are brave enough to go and talk with other teams. But in Naruto's case it's more like threaten.

Selina leans against a tree with her arms crossed, her green eyes studying all the teams. She sent Kara and Kalina back to the summoning world so they could rest for the oncoming battle. She needs them at their very best.

Selina watches as Sasuke stalks his way over to her, his Duckbutt hair spiking out in the back of his head. "Hey Duckbutt." Selina says softly and he reply with a quite 'hn'. They stay like that for a while both studying the other teams until he breaks the silence. "Are you really going to do this? Compete alone?"

Selina turns to look at him and smirks slightly. "What, you jealous? And besides I'm not alone, Kara and Kalina are with me." She says cockily. Sasuke smirks back fully facing her now. "Jealous? No, more like excited to see you lose on the battlefield." Selina chuckles. This is what she loves about Sasuke. They act like siblings without it being awkward because he knows that Selina only loves him as a brother.

"Alright. It's a date. See you on the battlefield." Selina smirks and Sasuke chuckles before he slowly walks back to his team. Selina's eyes narrow and her body tenses. "Might as well come out Gaara." She speaks, flicking her eyes up to the branch above her head where sure enough Gaara appears standing on it.

He appears next to her in a sand poof, his sea foam green eyes studying her. "Can I help you? Or are you just going to stare at me like a creep?" Selina says cockily, crossing her arms and leaning against the tree, not even bothering to face Gaara. She doesn't like the aura that surrounds him or the cocky attitude that he portrays. Plus his aura doesn't seem, human.

Gaara stares at this beautiful girl, wondering why she isn't afraid of him like everyone else is, even his own siblings. "Your like me." Gaara states, moving closer to Selina, hope leaking into his words.

Selina scoffs. "I am nothing like you. We both may have tailed beasts inside of us, but you have allowed yours to consume you entirely, while I have become allies with mine. You have a cocky and deadly aura while I choose to seal mine away. You threaten your family who obviously care for you while I embrace mine with open arms. You pretend to know pain while I am the very definition of it. You think we are alike? We are nothing alike, not in the slightest of ways. Now go before you experience what a true beast holder can do. And why'll your at it, tell your beast Shukaku to stand down." Selina growls at the last part and allows Mori to leak into her voice, causing Gaara to flinch, and his Sand beast Shukaku to back off.

Shukaku watches through his hosts eyes the strange girl in front of him. The fact that his eldest brother Mori has chosen such a strong host makes him growl in anger. But yet, he would not dare to defy Mori, because looking closely Shukaku notices something off with Mori's aura. Realization dawns upon him and he cowers back in Gaara's mind. They have obtained Kurama's powers. Somehow, she has managed to fuse together Mori's and Kurama's chakras. Shukaku breathes in fear.

Selina watches as Gaara leaves with a scowl on her face. Slivy that was incredibly dangerous. Mori warns, although he had found it quite amusing to watch his brother cower in fear at him and Selina. Admit it Mori, you loved it. Besides, both assholes deserved it. I'm tired of people underestimating you and I. Selina huffs, blowing her silver bangs out of her face. I agree, but you have felt the change in our power right? Mori asks, nervousness making his voice waver a little.

Confusion floods Selina at Mori's question. Not really. I mean the only shift in power I felt was at the bridge when you and Kurama clashed. Is there something I should know? Selina reply's. A few minutes pass until Mori responds quietly. Selina, I have some things to tell you.

I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in a long time. Honestly my life has turned completely upside down in a lot of ways. So many tragedies have happened in my life in the past two months that I didn't have the will to write for a while. But then I thought about what my lost loved ones would want me to do and I know they wouldn't want me to be sad.

So here's a new chapter and the next one will come in a few days. Thanks for the support!

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