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Selina sighs in happiness, feeling Sakura's long fingers stroke through her silver hair while the pinkette hums softly. They had made it back from their mission earlier that day and Sakura immediately demanded a sleepover with Selina.

She had happily agreed to go since she's never had a 'girlfriend' to hang out with or talk to. So now here the two teens sit in Sakura's house, Sakura playing with Selina's hair while Selina smiles with her eyes closed.

"You have a pretty voice." Selina mutters, her delicate cheeks flaming. Sakura laughs sweetly. "Thank you." She whispers. Selina hums in response.
"I should be the one thanking you."

Selina gets up, facing Sakura as they sit cross cross on Sakura's pink bed. "W-what for?" Sakura stutters, her cheeks glowing a beautiful pink.

Selina smiles softly and whispers loud enough for Selina to hear. "Because before you, I had no one to talk to. No one to tell me everything's going to be ok. No one to call a friend. So thank you, for being there for me and for being my friend." Selina finishes, and let's out a squeal of surprise when Sakura pulls her in for a hug.

"Of course." Sakura whispers.


*Two days Later*

At 4:30 Selina woke up, groaning and mentally complaining about getting up so early. She yawns and stretches her limbs like a cat.

For some reason her mind wanders to a certain lazy ninja while she's in the shower, and while she's getting dressed, and eating, and training.

She lets out a frustrated groan after the third hour of attempting to train, holding her head in her hands and muttering insults.

Five hours, five hours of nonstop torturous thoughts of one boy. How he looks, what he wears, the cute dimples when he rarely smiles, the mischievous glint in his eyes whenever he smirks. On and on it goes, new thoughts coursing through her mind and prohibiting her from getting a second of training in.

With a grunt Selina gets up from her spot on the damp grass, looking at the sky and determining the time is 10:00.

Selina walks wordlessly through the quiet forest, admiring the leaves as they turn red and golden for the nearing fall.

Walking out onto the streets of Konoha is completely different than being in the peaceful forest. Villagers all ages and sizes roam the busy paths, some lingering at flower shops and other running with their friends.

Selina smiles slightly, wishing she had Kara and Kalina by her side. But after the mission and injuries in the Land of Waves, Selina gladly have them a week off, for them to enjoy themselves and do whatever.

She sighs, her thoughts once again going to that lazy ninja, and an image passes through her head of them walking down the streets of Konoha, holding-

Selina groans loudly, shaking her head as if to get the thoughts out of her mind. She walks around town, instantly getting bored but not wanting to go back to her empty house.

Her brother left for a mission last night, and said he wouldn't be back for five days at minimum. Sakura was out shopping with her family, and Sasuke was doing god knows what. And Naruto, she'd rather not say.

So basically she's all alone today, with nothing to do, no missions, and no friends. Selina sighs and walks back through the forest towards the training grounds. She frowns, stopping when she feels someone watching her.

Selina shakes off the feeling and continues to walk, that is until a strong hand grabs her firmly on her waist. She's about to shriek when a calming voice coos in her ear. "Relax, it's just me."

The voice sends shivers down her spine, the good type of shivers and she slowly turns around to meet the hazel eyes of a handsome lazy ninja, his eyes glinting in amusement.

Selina's face goes beet red, and she steps back, biting her bottom lip nervously, a habit she picked up from Itachi.

"Hey" she says shakily, her previous thoughts coming back to haunt her and she flushes even more.

Shikamaru stands in front of her, smirking and looking as sexy as always. "Hey" he says back, and they stand in an awkward silence before he speaks up again.

"Do you want to hang out today?" He asks, looking Selina straight in the eyes. Selina's heart flutters so fast that she fears it might fly away, and she answers nervously. "S-sure."

This chapter was mainly just a filler chapter and setting off point. Sorry it's so short!

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