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*One day later*

Selina woke up early again, humming to herself while she was in the shower and making breakfast for her and her brother. She headed to the training grounds, still humming a childhood toon.

Arriving at the training grounds Selina sat down on the damp grass, ceasing her humming and focusing. However once again she couldn't focus. Her thoughts kept going to Shikamaru and the kiss.

She felt a surge of happiness rush through her and her golden chakra bursted out. Selina slowly opens her eyes, expecting everything to be black and dead. But what she sees surprises her and she gasps.

The grass grew about three feet taller and there were wildflowers blooming everywhere. The trees leaves that had once been dead and on the ground for the upcoming winter were now back on the trees, shining a luscious green that made Selina's eyes dull in comparison.

Selina laughs, tears brimming her eyes and she slowly stands up, spinning in a circle.

The moment is short lived and cut off by a loud 'squawk' overhead. Selina looks up and instantly sighs, making her way through the thick overgrown grass and into the once again living forest.

She raps three times on the Hokage's door, waiting for the usual 'come in' before entering.

She bows her head, still not looking the Hokage directly in the eyes when she speaks. "What is it you want me to do?" She asks. The Hokage chuckles and tosses a file to Selina. She catches it with ease, opening it to find only a picture and a page full of tiny text. The label at the bottom of the page read 'highly classified.' The picture is of a boy, probably a few years older than Selina, with gray hair that's similar to her own silver hair. He wears glasses and a purple turtle neck vest. Around his forehead is a shinobi head band and his lips curl into a fake smile.

"That is Kabuto Yakushi. I want you to watch him for me. He's been going on various unauthorized trips outside of the Leaf Village, and I want you to find out why. Report every week." Selina nods, scanning the picture over again to take in any unnoticed details. Then she moves to his file, reading over it and collecting any useful information.

"And Selina?" Selina looks up, and the Hokage smiles slightly. "Be careful."


"Please don't do this!" The small child version on Selina screamed, tears streaming down her tiny pale face. She was four then, so small, so innocent. Yet she had seen so much for her age, and endured so much pain right along with it. But she stayed strong, hoping, that one day someone would come and rescue her.

His deep chuckle bounced off the small cells walls, sending shivers down Selina's back. "I love it when you scream. Do it again." He says, but Selina stays silent much to his displeasure. He reaches Selina in one powerful stride, grabbing her by her dirty Silver hair and slamming her against the cells wall. "I said scream damn it!"

Still, Selina refused to scream, instead she closed her eyes and thought of her mom and dad and her older sister. It went on for hours, him trying to make her scream, and Selina staying quiet.

That was the day she stopped crying...

Flashback End

"Hey" Shikamaru's voice whispers in her ear. Selina looks around then up to said ninja. Her cheeks flush red when she realizes how close they are. Shikamaru smirks, leaning close enough so that their noses are touching. "H-hi" Selina whispers, cursing herself for stuttering.

While Selina was lost in thought she had wandered over to the training grounds, and coincidentally Shikamaru was there. She hadn't even registered where she was until Shikamaru spoke. He could continued to lean closer, his lips brushing against the corner of her mouth. "W-what are you doing?" Selina whispers, once again stuttering. Shikamaru just hums in response, and continues to lightly peck the corner of her mouth.

Selina growls in frustration and smashes her lips onto his. He smirks against her lips, fully aware of how much teasing he did.

After a few seconds they break apart, both panting heavily. Selina opens her mouth to say something but she's cut off by clapping. Selina whirls around to find Sakura, Ino, Choji, and Naruto grinning and clapping like idiots.

Selina flushes red, hiding behind Shikamaru from everybody's eyes on her. Too much attention. Selina groans mentally. "Finally! God I was waiting for you two to get together." Sakura exclaims. Shikamaru chuckles, gently tugging Selina from behind him and putting a comforting arm around her waist.

"Ya! At first I thought you and Duckbutt would be a good pair, but then Shikamaru came into the picture. Even though I would gladly have you." Naruto says. Shikamaru growls dangerously. "Naruto. Run before I beat your ass." Naruto smiles sheepishly in return, and Shikamaru continues to send death glares at him. Meanwhile the fan girls, AKA Ino and Sakura pummel Naruto for calling their  'precious' Sasuke Duckbutt.

"Hey, you know the Chunin exams are tomorrow right?" Ino suddenly says, making everyone stop. "Chunin exams? What the hell are those?" Naruto stupidity asks, making Selina mentally face palm. I seriously feel bad for this poor kid. Selina says and Mori laughs. He's stupider than he looks... Mori cackles, snickering like crazy.

Sakura goes on to explaining the exams while Selina moves behind Shikamaru and absentmindedly fiddles with his soft hair. "Alright, well bye Selina and Shikamaru! Don't so anything reckless or I'll skin you alive!" Sakura yells, and Selina breaks out of her trance, looking up to see all of her friends gone.

Shikamaru chuckles from in front of her, spinning around and looking at her. "You weren't paying attention to any of that were you?" Selina just shrugs in reply, a small smile playing at her lips. Shikamaru sighs, smirking.

"I have to go, something about making dinner for my mom. I'll come by later tonight okay?" He says, leaning down to kiss her one last time. Selina whimpers in annoyance when he leaves.

How did I get so wrapped up with this guy?


"Let him go!" Naruto's yell rings throughout the forest. Selina rushed toward his voice, Katana at the ready. She lands on a tree and analyzes the situation in front of her.

A little boy is being held up by the collar of his shirt by a boy a few years older then Selina herself, dressed up like a cat with weird face paint on. Next to him, with arms folded and a cocky attitude is a girl, around Selina's age also with blonde hair and a huge fan strapped to her back.

Very faintly, Selina picks up another chakra signature, one that Mori recognizes well. Uh oh. Slivy be careful, there's an old..... friend here and I'd prefer not to have any fights with him.

Selina nods to her spirits warning, jumping down and appearing in front of cat dude in a second, catching his fist that was about to make contact with the small child's face.

The cats face shows evident shock, before its quickly replaced by anger. "Who-" "I do not appreciate you trying to hurt this kid. That's strike number one. Two more and I kill you." Selina says, her eyes flashing purple.

Cats face turns into a fearful expression before he covers it with fake bravado. "Look here punk, I'm way stronger than you'll ever be. Face it, your not even a real ninja yet. So why don't you go run home to your stupid daddy-"

That's as far as he got before Selina punched him square in the jaw, sending him flying backwards. "Shut. Up." She growls. Cat dude gets back up slowly while the blonde rushes to his aid.

"That's enough." A low, dangerous voice rings out and Selina looks up to meet a familiar yet foreign pair of red eyes before they change back to sea foam green.

And here's the almighty friend. Hah, yay. Mori says.

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