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Wow, remind me how I got taken out so easily?
Hmm, probably because you were to busy worrying about that worthless Asuma.
Look he may be a prick but I still wouldn't let him die.
Hn, I would have....

Selina and Mori are having a mental conversation while Selina's body was being healed by a doctor in the Stone Village. All of team 10 was currently gathered around Selina's body, Ino crying, the chubby kid was eating away and Shikamaru was just sitting there, his brown eyes never leaving Selina's face.

Selina and Mori watch from her mind, Selina sitting Indian style and Mori floating around Selina's head.

Selina can't really understand why everyone's so worried, especially Asuma. I mean come on, it's not like she's dead. Although she did look dead.

They just don't understand that using her golden chakra takes a lot out of Selina.

They're just worried Mori, don't be so protective
Well I wouldn't have to be if you didn't make mistakes so easily
Selina rolls her eyes and looks her spirit straight in the eyes.
Sacrificing myself for the sake of my friends will never be a mistake Mori. Ever.

The spirit stays silent after that, pondering over what his host said. Sure, he is overprotective but he can't help it. Selina is everything to him, just like he's everything to her. He's been through the ups and many downs in her life with her.

Selina sighs, once again looking towards the scene happening in the real world. It's funny how just a few weeks ago she was all alone and hurting and now she has friends, real people who care for her and worry about her.

She looks to Mori again and takes time to really look at him.

Mori is the ten tailed beast, his name meaning The Great Protector. He has of course ten tails and instead of being the weakest tailed beast he's the strongest because he has a part of each of the nine tailed beasts inside of him.

Selina can't access that power, she can only use Mori's which is to manipulate anyone's chakra or her own and mold it into something else.

Mori is a giant tree with ten wisp like tails going around his body in a circle.
He looks like a giant deformed star, just green and brown instead of white.

I think it's time for me to go back Selina sighs, standing up and facing Mori.
See you on the outside Mori
The spirit nods. Selina, don't try anything so reckless again. One day your selfless actions are going to kill you.
Selina smiles sadly, saying something that makes the spirit almost cry.

I'd die for my friends in a heartbeat a thousand times over Mori, and you know that.


Coming back to reality hurt like a bitch, both physically and mentally. It was like walking through walls of fire that only got hotter and hotter. So when Selina finally woke up she did what any normal person would do, she yelled. "GET ME SOME DAMN ICE!"

Moments later team 10 came barging into her small room in what she could only presume was a hotel, all of them wide eyed with shock.

Selina shakily stands up, resisting the urge to throw up from the pain. Team 10 just stands there, looking like fish out of water. Selina cocks a silver eyebrow, her green eyes showing annoyance.

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