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Selina's alarm clock is what woke her up, along with a very grumpy Kakashi, at five in the morning. Selina quickly and quietly gets out of her single bed, walking barefooted to her small bathroom.

Selina grimaces when she looks in the mirror. Her silver hair is extremely messy, and there's bags under her eyes from the nightmare filled nights. All her battle scars are visible on her pale skin, and faint bruises are on her face from when Pein had slapped her.

I really am a monster... The thought that courses through her mind every time she looks in the mirror, it haunts her. Every stare, every whisper, every clip of gossip gets to Selina, and comes back to haunt her in the night.

Slivy your're not a monster. You've experienced more pain than most can ever dream of. Mori sates, trying to calm his host.
No Mori, there's a reason why they call me The Beautiful Monster in the bingo book. That shut up the spirit, and left Selina to her depressing thoughts.

It's true. In the bingo book she's named the Beautiful Monster. On one of her gruesome missions for the Akatsuki, she was supposed to murder a whole village for one mans mistake. Naturally Selina followed orders, slaughtering every last person in the village, or at least, that's what it looked like. In reality Selina had cast an extremely powerful genjustu on the entire town thanks to Mori's chakra, making it look like she slaughtered the village while really she was killing the man who made the mistake. In her genjustu people must have noticed her and reported her in their coma like state, thus giving her the name Beautiful Monster.

Afterwards Pein had beaten Selina, threatening to kill her if she ever did something like that again. The beating had been so severe, that it had taken Kara and Kalina three days to heal her properly. Even though she doesn't want to, Selina still kills for people, and she considers herself a monster that doesn't deserve happiness.

With a final glance in the mirror, Selina starts her morning routine. Shower, get dressed, collect weapons, eat, and head to the training grounds. At six they make it to the training grounds and Selina dismisses Kara and Kalina. The two nod gratefully, and disappear with a loud poof.

Selina sighs and sits down Indian style in the soft ground, closing her green eyes and starts to meditate. She focuses chakra all throughout her body, each minute or two increasing the chakra. She does this meditating exercise for a while, until she decides to focus on working with Mori's chakra. 

Mori's chakra has a different feel to it than her regular chakra does. While her regular blue chakra is cold, Mori's chakra is warm and sometimes even hot when she uses it. It floods her entire being, everywhere from her brain to her toes, so Selina spends a lot of time working with Mori to learn how to harness it without killing herself. 

Mori is the ten tailed spirit, a spirit that not many people know about. He's a giant tree, with ten root tails spreading out at the bottom. But, only one of his tailed is filled with chakra, the rest remain unmoving and black. Selina asked Mori about this one time, but the spirit refused to talk about it. 

By the time Selina was done training, it was 7:40, so the Academy started in twenty minutes. Selina sighs, reaching the academy in fifteen minutes. She walks in the double glass doors, the continuous stares making her feel uncomfortable, but of course she doesn't let it show as she makes her way to the classroom.

She walks in just when class starts, and all eyes turn to her. Selina resists the sudden urge to cower and scans the classroom, nodding once to Iruka before her green eyes land on a certain sleeping boy. She silently walks over to him, sitting in the seat next to him so she's by the wall while he's just snoozing away. Iruka clears his throat, not bothering to introduce Selina while he continues on with what he was about to say.

Selina studies the boy to the left of her while the teacher speaks. His brown almost black hair is in a little man bun that spikes up like a pineapple. On anyone else it would have looked really bad, but on him it looked, kinda cute.

Oh, does wittle Swivy have a cwush? Mori taunts, snickering while Selina sweat-drops in her mind. Dude, I just met him. Selina replies, shaking her head at her spirits stupidity.

Meanwhile the class was silently observing the new girl, some guys had hearts in their eyes while others looked slightly interested. All the girls were glaring daggers at her, all except the shy Hinata. While Selina herself was about to explode from all the attention. The teacher introduced all the teams, stopping at team 10. "And on team 10. Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka, and Shikamaru Nara. Shikamaru. Shikamaru! SHIKAMARU WAKE THE HELL UP!!!"

The boy next to Selina bolts up, shock and clear annoyance evident on his face. His hazel eyes land on Selina and narrow giving her a calculating look, taking in all of her features. Selina's breath catches in her throat, before she shakes off the weird feeling.

"What a drag." Shikamaru mutters, before following his team out of the doors. Both him and Selina were thinking the same thing, while Mori was snickering and howling the entire time.

"What the Hell was that?"

Beautiful Monster Naruto Fanfic (Shikamaru Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now