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Walking hand in hand through the streets with Shikamaru was the last thing that Selina expected to be doing today. Maybe flower shopping or training, or even getting to work on a new novel she's yet to read. But now she's walking next to Shikamaru, her long fingers intertwined with his calloused hands, laughing and smiling.

Selina thought that this was going to be awkward on so many levels, but surprisingly it's nice, fun, something she hasn't had the pleasure of enjoying in her thirteen years of age.

"I was on a mission for the last few days with my Sensei, that's why I was gone." Shikamaru explains, tightening his hold on Selina's hand. She squeezes back, looking up at him telling him to continue.

They continue to walk towards the Four Great Hokage Mountain, soon reaching the top and sitting down cross cross, looking over the Leaf Village. Selina sits in between Shikamaru's legs, and he instantly wraps his arms around her waist, and for once she doesn't flinch at the touch of a male. He places something cool against the nape of her skin and finds a beautiful gold necklace hooked around her neck. Selina gasps, and looks up to Shikamaru who smiles back down at her. "It took two weeks to pay that off." He says. "It's beautiful." Selina whispers staring at the necklace in awe. Engraved finely in the gold is her name. She opens the locket to find a picture of her and Shikamaru placed neatly inside. "Thank you." She whispers. 

"That first mission that we did together, and you got hurt, I couldn't stop blaming myself. I still blame myself, I should have- I should have protected you." Shikamaru breaks off, his grip tightening on Selina's waist.

Selina leans her head against his chest, sighing softly. "There's nothing you could have done. Please don't blame yourself." She whispers. Her gut clenches of the thought of Shikamaru in pain, even emotional pain.

Shikamaru rests his chin on Selina's shoulder, and they both stay silent, looking at the sunset before Selina speaks.

"When I was little, I used to laugh and sing all the time, and I loved to dance. My favorite color was blue, I remember I would always wear blue skirts and blue hair ribbons. Whenever I was upset or mad I trained for hours, until it was a struggle to breath. I read when I'm nervous or sad, and my favorite food is sushi."

Selina continues to talk about herself while Shikamaru listens with his full attention on this beautiful girl, running his fingers through her soft silver hair.

As she continues to talk, her heart becomes lighter, having some of her life story lifted off her shoulders.

After a while Selina stops, turning to look up at Shikamaru. His hazel eyes capture her green ones in a heated gaze, and she involuntarily shivers. The action doesn't go unnoticed by him, and he smirks, suddenly flipping them over in one swift motion. Selina gasps, her hands flying up to Shikamaru's chest.

Her gaze travels to his lips, and she briefly wonders what it would be like to kiss him, but she quickly dismisses the idea.

Shikamaru watches with a smirk as Selina's green eyes travel to his lips and back up to his eyes, her cheeks dusted a beautiful red color, and her silver hair spread out around her like a veil.

His eyes travel to her perfect lips. In one swift motion he dives down, capturing her lips in his in a heart wrenching kiss.

Selina's eyes widen as she watches Shikamaru lean down ever so slowly, his eyes flicking to her lips for a second. His hands on either side of her head, his eyes holding hers, and then finally his lips touching hers.

Selina's heart beats a million times per second as Shikamru kisses her. Her hands hesitantly snake around his neck, gently tugging him closer to her.

One of his hands go down to her waist and caress it softly. After a few more seconds they both pull away. Selina's breath comes out in little pants as she keeps her eyes closed and her arms around his neck.

She could hear Shikamaru's uneven breathing, his hot breath making her shiver every time it hit her neck. Her eyes only fluttered open when Shikamaru kissed her cheek.

"Hey" he whispers, "You alright?" Selina nods instantly, smiling up at him. Shikamaru breathes a sigh of relief, then chuckles. Selina turns red. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." Shikamaru whispers and Selina squeaks in embarrassment.

Shikamaru flips them over once again, and puts them in a sitting position. He leans down and whispers softly in her ear. "I'm going to protect you forever and always. I promise."

These last two chapters were basically fluff and filler chapters. But the next chapters are going to be crazy, so get ready!!!

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