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Selina walks out of the Hokage's office and sighs in exhaustion. Kara and Kalina poof by her side, looking up at their mistress with worry.

The trio walks the streets of the village and stares follow Selina everywhere she goes. Kara and Kalina keep growling lowly when people point at her and whisper insults. Selina remains calm until she gets to her house.

There she growls, putting her face in her hands. "I hate it when people do that." She whispers and Kara and Kalina rub against her. She smiles softly, lifting her head out of her hands and pets them.

"I wonder where my brother is" she wonders aloud, then bolts up when three chakras appear inside her house.

Immediately she whips out her katana and her lions take a defensive stance in front of her.

Three ANBU's walk into the small living room from the kitchen, hands in the air in surrender. "Hokage-sama wanted us to deliver these to you." One of them holds out two scrolls.

Kara and Kalina growl when he steps closer and the man eyes them warily. "Stand down." Selina orders. They instantly do, but keep their eyes trained on the three male ninja.

The man holding the scrolls nods gratefully before stepping closer. Selina's instincts kick in and she points her katana at his throat. He jumps back. "Set them on the ground." She says.

He looks at her questionably but decides to do it because this little girl could easily kill him and his colleagues. He slowly sets them on the ground and steps back to the other two ninja who were watching with wide eyes.

Selina sighs and sheathed her katana. "Thank you." She says and the men nod, poofing out of her living room.

Kara and Kalina relax, steeping to the side to let Selina reach the scrolls. "Stupid weaklings. Next time I'll rip their throats out." Kalina mutters and Kara snickers. Selina laughs a little too and opens one of the scrolls.

"What does it say?" Kara asks, sitting next to Selina and swishing her tail back and forth on the wooden floor curiously.

Selina's green eyes widen and she re-reads the scroll. "It's from a resident in the land of waves. He's requested immediate backup for the protection of the villagers and himself." Selina says, showing the sisters the scroll as proof.

They read it over, then look up to Selina. "It doesn't say what his name is or what he needs protection from. Are you sure we should risk it?" Kara asks, standing up and stretching her limbs. Her claws come out of her paws then retract back in, a habit she has when stretching.

Selina sighs thinking it over. "Of course we're going. If somebody needs help I think it'd be the right thing to do." Selina says and her lions nod.

"What about the second scroll?" Kalina comments and Selina unties it. "It's probably the details on-"


Kara and Kalina yelp and Selina screams as she's knocked into a wall from the force of the explosion. She falls to the ground and whimpers, clutching her left side in pain.

"A bomb" she says through gritted teeth. "Mistress!" Kara and Kalina yell. "Over hear!" Selina coughs around the smoke, and her lions sprint towards her voice.

They help her stand up and she hisses, looking down to examine her left side. It's burned pretty badly her entire rib cage and hip also some small burns on her left arm.

"W-we'd better get you treated." Kara says, panicking. Selina shakes her head, petting her lions. "I'm fine. Are you both ok?" She asks, worry evident in her green eyes.

Her lions nod. Selina put her lions in front of herself, even though it's clear that she's in a lot of pain.

Selina sighs. "Good" she mutters and climbs on Kara's back. They approach the scroll and Selina growls when she sees it.

On the inside of the scroll is the symbol of the Akatsuki with Pein's signature in bold writing.

"What does it mean?" Kalina whispers looking to Selina. Kara whimpers and Selina answers grimly.

"It means he's watching."


Kara had to carry Selina up the stairs on her back because Selina was in a lot of pain. She refused to go to the hospital because of the needles, another trauma from being experimented on by Pein.

Selina sighs, and leans on Kalina for support as she wraps bandaging around her chest, hips, rib cage, and around her left wrist. She had slathered some ointment on the burns, then grabbed some extra bandages.

Selina climbs back onto Kara's back and speaks softly. "Ok, let's go to the land of waves." She says, and the lions nod before taking off in a run with Selina clinging onto Kara's soft fur.

She groans every once in a while from the pain but otherwise remains silent as they continue to run. She had thrown on a loose black sweatshirt with black jean shorts and black vans. Her silver hair remained untamed and was flying behind her as Kara sped up.

Her lions could reach the speed of 70 mph and could run that fast for an hour before having to rest.

In four hours they make it to the outskirts of the Land of Waves and stop at the huge lake surrounded in mist. Selina sighs and puts her green chakra into her eyes making her eyes glow bright green.

She looks through the mist with her chakra eyes and spots a boat with a man smoking a cigar. She gestures towards the man and Kara leads them towards him.

They appear out of the mist. "I'd like a ride." Selina says, and the man falls out of the boat in surprise. "State your-"

"Just shut up and give me a fucking ride before I lose my temper and feed you to the Sharks." Selina growls, sitting up on Kara's back.

She honestly wasn't in the mood to be nice or wait, the exhaustion from her previous mission and pain from her injuries making her very grumpy.

The man in front of her gulps and nods stepping to the side to allow the trio access to the small row boat.

Tch. Finally. Mori mutters and Selina chuckles. The man gets in after them. Selina sat down on the boat with the help of boat man and Kara while Kalina poofed away, saying she was going to hunt.

Thy set off, the boat swaying constantly and Selina grunts in pain. The ride there was silent and awkward, just how Selina liked it.


Two hours later of boating and walking a village comes into view. Selina is still on Kara's back and Kalina hasn't come back yet, so the two just walk in silence until they make it to the streets of the village.

"Ok, now what?" Kara asks, irritation clear in her voice as she looks side to side. Selina sighs and winces when the movement sends jolts of pain.

"I don't know. Whoever sent the letter didn't really specify on the details. Or anything really." Selina sweat drops.

A loud explosion goes off in the middle of the town and Kara and Selina share a confused glance before a familiar voice yells. "Selina?! What the hell are you doing here?"

Selina gapes as her team comes into view. "Oh joy." She mutters.

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