We are never going to get along with them

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Bubbles P.O.V

"Proffesor!" we all said together,

"sorry girls, I completely forgot about that..." he said scratching his head

"w-what If they attack us and stuff?" I said trembling

"I'll punch them in the face, DUH!" Buttercup said smiling, while clutching her fists

"Oh Bubbles, they wont be able to hurt us at all! they are still pretty weak," Blossom said, turning to Professor. he then nodded and patted me on the head.

that kind of made me feel a bit better,

"Alright! Bring it on! Open the Gates to the demons!" Buttercup said and pointed to the door, she then flew all the way to the lab.

We all sighed and followed behind,

"don't worry Bubbles we'll take care of you," Blossom said putting her hand on my shoulder, I turned to her, and nodded.

"Girls! I'm really sorry but I have to go to work early!" Proffessor suddenly said checking his watch, and running to the living room.


"Girls! I already opened their gates! don't worry! They wont be able to hurt you! they are weak!"

we heard him say, and the front door closed.

We all looked at each other and sighed

"you know what, lets just go down there!" Buttercup said crossing her arms while grinning

Blossom rolled her eyes and then gave me a face like "we are here for you"

Blossom grabbed the handle, and slowly opened the door,

"alright girls, don't be afraid of them. we are just... going to check on them." Blossom said turning to us.

Me and Buttercup nodded and followed behind her down the stairs,

"why the hell is it so dark in here?!" Buttercup whispered shouted,

"shhhhhh" me and Blossom said to her. we then heard a "hmp" from her and then a small laugh.

All three of us stopped and looked at each other,

"B-Blossom...what was that..." I said starting to tremble,

Blossom was about to say something but of course Buttercup then blurted out

"Oh cool! this is like the spy movies! Move out of the way! I'll beat them up!" Buttercup said cutting in front of me and Blossom.

"hey! Buttercup!" Blossom said chasing after her, and ofcourse I also had to follow them.

Blossoms P.O.V

"B-Buttercup!" I yelled behind her,

that's when it all happened so fast, the boys where at the end of the stairs, just sitting down on the couch, they were looking at us, me especially because I catched up to Buttercup and she stopped (which made me stop late,) and caused me to trip and fall on top of one of the guys.

It was quiet for 4 seconds, and then Buttercup blurted out laughing. And I looked up to see who I fell on top of.

great. out of all of them. Brick.

"O-ow." I said looking at his pissed face.

"I-I'm so sorr-"

"Get. off. me. now." he said cutting me off.

I then felt boiling water inside me rush, I got off him and said

"Gosh! I was just trying to say I'm sorry!"

he ignored me and turned to his brothers,

I clinched my fists,

"n-now Blossom..." I heard Bubbles say behind me,

"yeah girl chill." Buttercup said getting closer to me.

I took a deep breath and finally shook it off.

" hey, stupid boys! just because you guys are going to live with us dosent mean you get to rule this house! we do!" Buttercup said getting close to their faces.

They all looked at her and at each other and then blurted out laughing.

"Do you think we care?" Butch said sticking out his tounge at her.

"why you little-" Buttercup said but of course I had to hold her back.

He smirked at us, and then turned to the TV. he turned it on and the boys completely ignored us.

That's when Bubbles finally said something

"u-um... we are all going to live together now...so um, I think that we should all get alo-"

"shut it Blondie!" Boomer said to her.

Me and Buttercup turned quickly to her, she already had tears rolling down her cheeks.

That's when I couldn't take it anymore, I flew to them and clinched my fists.

"move It Pinky," Brick said getting closer to me

"B-Blossom, I-I'm fine...don't worry about me..." Bubbles said to me

But I ignored her,

I cant take this anymore! I don't want to live with them!

That's when I slapped Brick. Everyone was silent, and he looked like he was about to kill me. But I didn't care, we both just glared at eachother. That's when he flew to me, pushing me to the wall.

He put his hands on my throath, sqeezing it. Then I used up all of my anger to kick him with my legs.

"Stop it!" Bubbles said splashing us both with light pink liquid.

We both looked up to her, and then at the glowing liquid on ourselves , then at each other.

we were about to beat up each other, but we noticed we were both stuck to eachother.

Our hands were locked together,



Hey guys. sorry for not updaiting.... I promise to try to do more chapters this week

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