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Bubbles P.O.V

It's almost the winter dance and I don't even know what to wear!
I was so frustrated and I started to swing back and forth on my chair,
"Blossom are you going to the snowfall dance?" I asked Blossom once she entered our room,

"Yes of course! I'm not going to miss out on a fun dayy! but I don't have anything to wear."

She said quickly running to her little pink calendar she had on top of her desk.

"Why? Are you going??" She turned back to me,
"Uhh Yeahh but I don't have anything to wear.." I laughed a little

"Perfect!!! We can go shopping together!" She was so excited that she started to jump towards me and held my hands, she made me feel excited too so we both started jumping and celebrating. That was when Buttercup came into the room and threw herself  onto her bed without saying anything. Me and Blossom looked at her confused and then at each other surprised,

"Something happened to you??" Blossom teasingly said to her,

She groaned and sighed really loud

Blossom had a big smile on her face, she then turned to me and snapped her fingers while she mouthed to me 'it was a boy'

I was surprised and I started feeling even more excited,

"You know you can tell us anythinggg Buttercup~" I said very sweetly so she can quickly tell us

She was quiet for a few seconds and then she said

"It's nothing..."

"It's a boy isn't it?" Blossom immediately said,
Buttercup quickly got up and looked at both of us embarrassed,

"Hell no!thats stupid, why would I be acting like this over a boy!?" Buttercup said looking down

"Come on, no need to be embarrassed I know it's a boy because that's how I act when I'm in loveee~" Blossom said laughing a little and turning to her calendar again,

Buttercup was quiet and sighed again,

"Oh Buttercup~ please just tell us who this boy is??" I said sweetly to her

She groaned and looked at both me and Blossom, and then she ran to the door and closed it shut.

"Fine." She said giving up,

Me and Blossom looked at each other shocked that she was actually going to tell us ,
"Don't tell me he lives with our little neighbors??" Blossom whispered to her,

Buttercups face turned red and she sat down on the bed,

"It's..B..Butch." She said quietly,

We were all dead quiet for 4 seconds then me and Blossom started turning into crazy fangirls and quietly screaming, Buttercups face turned even red and sat there quietly with her hands over her face

"Aww don't be shy we knew this day would come!" Blossom said proudly while wiping fake tears out of her eyes

"So what are you gonna do?" I said playfully

"Are you gonna ask him out on a little date~"

"N-no!.."Buttercup finally said,
"I don't know why he's making me feel this way..and I can't control my feelings and I don't know what I want.. and arghh!!" She then sighed and looked at both of us.

"You two are like the freaking love experts aren't you?! Help me out! You guys have a crush don't you?"

When she said that I immediately thought of Boomer and my face turned red

"Well..funny story.." I said nervously

"It's Boomer...I don't know why I like him I guess it just happened.."

"And I don't want to admit this either..but I have a crush on Brick too.."

We were all surprised at this and we started chatting the rest of the day talking, it was a nice time because we had girl time and I felt much more better telling my sisters everything that was bothering me.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hello readers😊💗lmao it's been like years  since I've written here😂 I decided to finish this unfinished chapter that I was working on a few months ago. I'm very sorry for not uploading and I know that some of you waited so long😭I love all of my readers so much and I still can't believe that I did this just story for fun but I ended up getting great readers who love my stories☹️♥️thank you so much for having patience with me, I love you all 🥺♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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