Date...?? (Part 1)

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Merry Christmas 😌😌🎅🎅💖

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How did this Happen!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blossom said to herself.

Her heart was already going crazy, and she could tell Brick was already really pissed and embarrassed....she didn't even dare to look at his face.

"um..." she said looking down.

uughhhh this is all my fault, i feel like crying!!!

She said to herself

Brick glared at them,

I don't even know why Im doing this...

Then he sighed loudly, and squeezed her hand a little bit.


"wooaaahhh! Its so pretty!" I said looking at all of the rides. Since it was pretty dark outside, the lights on the rides looked way better.

I kind of want ride them all, but at the same time....I'm really hungry right now.

I looked around to see if there were any funnel cakes

my faced glowed once I saw them.

That's when I felt someone's energy, like I was being watched.

I shivered

That's when Brick turned to me,
He looked at me confused

I laughed nervously,
"Um...Im fine...don't worry about me"

"I didn't even care anyways" he said turning away

That jerk!

That's why he isn't going to get a girlfriend....

With his mean, nasty, rude personality....

And his looks...well....

That's when I peeked to look at him

Well...I guess he is handsome...and like any girl would die to hold his hand.

That's when I realized what I was saying and my heart skipped beats

What's wrong with you Blossom!

" hey Blossom lets go to the teacups!" Bubbles said turning to me, Which made me jump

"Huh? something wrong with you...your face is all red? Are you sick?!" she then said getting close to me.

"N-no...Im not fine-no wait yes..yes I am fine I..." that's when everyone looked at me, even Brick.

I turned to him, our eyes met and my heart was going crazy.
He also looked a bit annoyed, I then quickly turned to the others

"Im fine!" I smiled nervously to them.

That's when everyone just shrugged and we all went back to looking at rides and talking about were to meet. Except for Butch.

"Hey hey heyyyy~~" he said walking to us

Brick sighed, and glared at him

"I think I know why you are acting so now there is no need to be scared," he said putting his arm over me.

I blushed a little

"W-what are you talking about?" I said to him

Butch laughed a little and smirked. He then looked at Brick, then at me,

"Well everyone gets nervous on their first date" he said to both of us.

I felt my whole face get hot and red.

I turned to Brick, his face was light pink, but he was still glaring at Butch.

" Im so jealous brother, you get to go on a...DATE-!"

That's when Brick punched him on the stomach.

I looked him, And he turned to me, he looked really pissed

"Hehe..." I nervously said

"Don't get any ideas" he said coldly

"I-I won't!" I said quickly


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