I do hate him...

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Heyyyyy my lovely readers❤️
sorry for not uploading babesss but here ya go! Some more cute shit😂❤️ love it when you guys write comments😂😂 makes my day!
I've been dealing with some stupid things in life but here you go!❤️

Blossom p.o.v

"I fricking hate him! So much! I hate Brick!!" I screamed out loud letting out all of my anger,
Bubbles sighed and Buttercup rolled her eyes.

"All of these girls are so annoying."Buttercup said looking at the girls that were using their phones and fangirling. I looked closely and it was a picture of Butch.

What the heck.

I looked over at Buttercup and she completely destroyed her milk box, she looked pissed and sort of jealous...

"Buttercup..!" I said standing up,

She threw away her food and she turned to me,

"Watchu want!? Can't you see I'm in a bad mood!"

"Oh Buttercup~ my dear sister~" I said all lovely and caring to her. Showing all of my love to her,

"Ew. What's wrong with you?" Her face looked confused and she glared at me.

"Sooo~ are you jealous or what's wrong with you?"

Buttercups P.O.V

"About who? About what?"

"Butch." Blossom said smiling at me, doing that ugly face when she talks about that romantic lovey dovey show

My heart stopped, then it started beating really fast.

I'm not jealous wtf!

I then started "laughing" like it's the most funniest thing I've ever heard in my whole life. Which is the most funniest thing I've ever heard! Me and Butch?! Hell no! A puff and a ruff! He's just complete asshole!

Blossom crossed her arms and looked at me seriously

"I'm being serious. Buttercup if you're really in love then tell us" she said calmer almost like a mom, she's really serious....

"I-I...I don't like him." I said looking down and started fidgeting with my fingers, I also felt kind of hot.

Maybe it's a fever....maybe just talking about him is making me sick. Something in me is off whenever it's butch.

"I...hate him." I quickly

"Do you really hate him?" Blossom sighed,

I do hate him... he's a bad person, and he is

"Oh don't bother Buttercup~ she dosen't like anyone" Bubbles said sighing

I dont know what my feelings are for Butch... he just gives me this weird feeling. I don't like him...I hate him...

Sorry if this was a short story😓 but stay tuned my lovely readers!!

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