The quiet prince💕

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Hello readers💕
This new character is very familiar to the fan made comic, Ppgd that is made by bleedman, this character is Dexter and Bell. ( you guys should read ppgd💖 it's very good!! It has all the old Cartoon Network characters into one comic, I should suggest you to read that first tbh😆😆)
Anyyywayyyss Enjoy this beautiful chapterrrrrr😊😊😊💕💕

Blossoms P.O.V

"Cmon girls, we don't need them right," buttercup said breaking the silence that we had once the boys left.

"Y-yeah! Let's just forget about them," bubbles said turning to me and Buttercup,

"Those jerks!! Yeah who even needs them we will become the most popular girls here, hehe right girls," I finally said to them

Who would want to hang out with guys like them!

"Ohmigod!! Did you see those three handsome guys,"

"Totally!! The guy with the red cap is so hot!"

"The guy with the blue sweater is also cute!"

"And the one with the green sweatshirt and messy hair is also handsome!"

I couldn't even say anything

Girls walking  passed us were already saying that the rowdy ruff boys were handsome and they were calling Brick hot!

But why am i so mad, it's probably him. Yeah he is making me so mad because of leaving us,

I slapped my face a little and turned to Bubbles and Buttercup,

"Alright girls let's just go to our classes," I said putting my arm on both of their shoulders,

"Yeah," bubbles said softly

Buttercup looked like she pinched her arm and then she turned to us

"Yeah let's forget about those stupid jerks,"

Heh, let's just hope I don't get any classes with him

"Ah I'm in science first, are you girls in it first?"

I said to bubbles and Buttercup, we were
walking around the school looking for our classes,

"No, I have algebra,"

"And I have P.E first, sweet!"

I sighed

"Looks like we are separated...for now," I said rolling my eyes

I just don't want to see Brick

"Alright girls this is the room, wish me luck!" I said to them when we were in front of room 307

"Alright bye~ bye~" they said behind me,

I then opened the door,

Pleases please please I just don't want to see Bricks face!

My heart was beating fast and I was getting super nervous,

Once I opened the door I walked to the teacher quickly, not making eye contact with the other kids there. Everyone was mostly talking with each other because it wasn't time yet

"Good morning," I said to the teacher

"Good morning young lady,"

I smiled, " I'm Blossom, um this is science class, right?"

"Yes this is the class," he said smiling back at me

"Oh,and I was wondering um were should I sit"

"Oh for now you can choose were you can sit," he said

"Oh okay," I then turned to the others

I didn't make eye contact with anyone, and avoided guys looking at me.

My face was hot and I felt so dizzy

I then found a seat in the middle of the class,
I then looked around at my classmates,

Wooahhh! Some of these guys are cuteee!!

"Hey, did you see those three new handsome guys?!"

"Omigosh girl yes! They are like some kind of models or singers!"

Oh no! Not againnn ughh

"You know who looks like my type, the one with the red hat, he looks like a total bad boy!"

Then they started fangirling,

I turned back to these voices

It was two girls that were sitting in the seats right in the back of me,

One had blonde curly hair, and the other one had short dark brown hair. They were using their super expensive phones while talking to each other

I completely remembered that almost all of these kids are so rich!

Ugh! I'm going to deal with these girls fangirling about brick all 4 years!?

That's when the door opened,

A boy with a red hoodie and black jeans came in

Oh no! I think I saw that hoodie in the morning!

Please don't tell me that's-

I looked to see his face, and when he turned around, Bricks face showed

"Omigosh! Girl that's him!" I heard the girls fangirling again

Me and Bricks eyes met, but he completely ignored me and passed right by me

That jerk!

That's when the door opened again

But this time boy with a white coat came in, he then bowed softly at the teacher, and sat one seat away from me,

He looks so handsome, almost like a prince he is also well mannered, Wait a minute! But why do I feel like I've seen that face before?

I couldn't stop but stare at him,
He had beautiful orange hair, and black glasses, and he also had Beautiful blue eyes.

That's when he then looked up at me,

I then quickly looked away,

I'm so stupid! He probably thinks I'm weird now!

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