I'll just ignore him

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Blossom P.O.V

I kicked the small rock hard,
"Boys are so....stupid!" I said frowning,

So many things where in my head, stupid Brick the cute guy in the lab coat who saved my life, and all of the boys who didn't want to leave me and my sisters alone.

I turned to Bubbles, only me and her where walking home because Buttercup told us she was going to stay after school with Butch,

I feel bad for Buttercup, she's a young girl who is in love and she's trying to push the one she loves away from her life when that's only going to hurt her more...

I looked at Bubbles, she looked like she was on the same page as me. She looked like she was deeply thinking about something,

"Anything bothering you Bubbles?" I said to her,

She jumped a little and she just smiled and shook her head,

"Nah, nothing really" she said and she then pulled the teddy bear she was holding in her hand closer to her face, she looked like she was taking a closer look at it, like it was going to do something.

Earlier a boy gave her a small cute brown teddy bear it had a red bow tied around its neck,


"Here Bubbles!" Another boy  gave Bubbles a present, this time it was a cute bear.

There was a weird look in her face, she looked a bit sad and scared to receive it.

"I really want to get closer to you
Bubbles..." he said looking down, his face was turning red.

Her face then turned red, no boy does these things to her.

"O-oh...okay." She said softly,

He then smiled and said thank you and see you tomorrow and then ran off.
Now that I think about it, that boy was a cute, maybe Bubbles is thinking of him!!!

I turned to Bubbles
"Woahh, lucky girl~ you got a cute boy, the only boys that so far have asked for my number are all weird ugly nerds." I said making a gross face, which made her giggle.

"I...I don't know. I don't feel sad at all it's just...it feels like I want someone else, like my heart wants someone special someone that I already know...it's weird right?"

Weird... that's how I feel too

"Yeah...I kind of know how you feel sis."I said looking up at the sky,

Just who is it???

I then thought of Brick

"Ughhhh don't think of that stUPID Jerk!!!!" I said out loud,


I know that voice... I gasped and turned around quickly,

It was Brick. He was walking behind me and Bubbles the whole time!!

"Have you been following us the whole time??" I yelled at him, just looking at him makes me so mad.

"What the hell, did you forget that we live together? Aren't you the smart one here?" He said smirking,

I then glared at him.

He's so stupid!!!! I just wish I can punch him! But I don't want to hurt him...??

"Are you mad at me?" He said looking confused and a bit annoyed, I looked into his bright red eyes, then at his handsome stupid face,

wait stop Blossom you don't like this stupid boy! Turn AWAy from Him!!

I then felt my face get hot and quickly turned away from him.

I'll just ignore him.

Heheeheheheheeheehehe stay tuneeddd im backkkk~~❤️❤️

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