Lovely couple

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Nobody's pov

"I think that this is going to last for another 8 hours," the professor said nervously after studying the two locked hands. 

"as in! Im going to sleep with this creep, am I going to take a shower!" Blossom started to blurt out, she then covered her red, frustrated, face with her other hand. 

she sort of fell asleep on me...why is she complaining..?

Brick thought, getting annoyed at her feelings. 

The professor then sighed, 

"you'll both be fine," he said to them. 

"ahhhh!!! I can't take it anymore! we had our hands stuck since the morning!" Blossom started to cry again. 

Brick rolled his eyes

"see, another reason why we don't want our hands together...she is annoying..."  he said glaring at her. 

"how about you guys just go outside, or explore some place. both of you are new to this place, " The professor then said

"NO!" they both said at the same time.

"I'm never going to get a boyfriend if a cute boy sees me!" Blossom said worried

"and I don't want people to see me holding hands with this crazy girl, " Brick said as he rolled his eyes. 

Blossom then turned to him slowly, giving him a glare like I'm going to kill you, you weak little boy....

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!" she screamed into his ears

Brick then jumped back, then got closer to her ears

He said

"Alright you two that's enough..." The professor said sighing

"Hey, can you two shut it!" they heard Boomer yelled from upstairs,

Blossom and Brick then were quiet,

Then Bubbles came downstairs,

"U-um....Brick, Blossom...I was wondering if you two wanted to play soccer with everyone else.....since you two were inside the whole day," she said nervously, while fidgeting with her hands.

Brick and Blossom looked at her, then at each other giving each other a dark glare,

and they finally decided to go outside with the others. 


Blossoms P.O.V

" the hell are you two going to play soccer?" Butch said, giving me and brick a confused face,

I turned to Brick, since i had no idea what to do,

he shrugged and sighed

"tsk, lets just play!" he said getting pissed off

Ugh he is always getting mad over little things...

 and now that they mention it, I've never really played soccer before...

"ALRIGHT! Everyone come to the middle!" Buttercup said 

we all followed 

" I will chose the teams" 

then butch started frowning.

she stopped and looked at him for a second, then she continued, ignoring him.

Boomer started laughing, and Bubbles looked worried. 

"Alright, so Butch will be with the two lovely couple over there, and Boomer, me and Bubbles are going-" 

"HEY! Why do I have to be with the couple!" Butch then cut her,

out of no where my heart fluttered a little when Buttercup said lovely couple...

but i don't now why....

is it because I never had a boyfriend...

Butch then went up to her face, and he smirked. she looked disgusted, and she leaned back getting away from his face so close to hers.

then he put his arms around her,

"H-Hey! what the-!" she said trying to break from his arms

Then he started whispering to each other, 

me and Brick couldn't hear, and I started getting worried.

then Buttercup turned around and she smiled

"Alright! new plan!" she said walking with Butch towards us 

"Brick and Blossom are a team! since you two love each other so much that you don't want to let go-" 

"ALRIGHT OKAY!" Brick finally said

I didn't want to look at him, after I was thinking about what they where saying...

Once we were in the field Brick turned to me and gave me a glare, 

"don't mess up." he said

that's when most of my thoughts crushed, and I gave him a glare. 

"Hmp! okay whatever!" I said turning away, I was getting mad 

Once we were playing, I kept on stepping on his foot, and he will turn to me and I will say sorry quickly

but mostly he did all the running, while I was being dragged by him.

that was when Butch suddenly got an Idea

"HEY GUYS LOOK AT THIS!" then he took the ball, placed it on the field and he stuck out his tounge while looking up and down at the ball. then he ran backwards quickly, then came running full speed at the ball. It flew all the way up and didn't come down after like 2 minutes. 

then we all saw it coming down, full speed, it even had Butch's dark green fire power on it. 

Then I realized it was heading straight at me!

for some reason I felt like just standing there, and then something came to my mind. like a memory, it looked like clips were just running through my head

It was a dark city, and there was smoke everywhere,  white lights, a girl with glowing brown hair and she had glowing angel wings



I heard in the back, I knew it was them all. but I started to feel weak just like the dream, I tried to look right but then something covered me and I realized it was Brick. 

He turned his back to the ball, and he covered me 

I then fell on him lightly, like a small hug , that's when I didn't feel that weak, and my heart started beating really fast,  and I saw everything clear

I then realized what I was doing, and I looked up at him, nervously. I then felt my cheeks burning up.

He didn't look mad nor too happy. 

I then slowly tried getting up, but I still felt kind of weak, 

"s-sorry" I mumbled 


Hello there guys! 

Here is another chapter! please do not kill me...

I will try updating more

so please wait......

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