High school. Yay.

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I love you guys💕 and I really love it when you guys comment😂 it makes my day💕

Blossom P. O. V

I feel so hot, I feel so sick... I feel like I cant breath..

Everything was black until I opened my eyes.

I looked around, I was wearing a pink dress and was on a bed it also looked like I was in a castle,
But I couldn't get up

Is this some princess stuff?

Wait if im a princess then I have a handsome prince right?!

Thats when I felt dizzy,  everything was going to turn black

H-help! Someone help me!

Thats when I heard a door creak open, 

What was that!?

I couldn't see that well but It looked like a boy was walking towards me.

He got so close to my face, and I felt so sick that almost everything was black.

He then slowly came to my lips and planted a soft kiss.


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Riiing ring ring ring!

"Aaarggghhh Blossom turn that thing off!"  Buttercup started screaming, I quickly got up and looked around. She was covering her ears with her pillow, while Bubbles was rubbing her eyes.


I got up and sat there thinking of the dream

What a nice dream... oh!  Maybe something good might happen today,  like a super cool boyfriend


Our door was banging

"Can you all shut up!" Brick shouted

I got up and took my alarm,  I opened the door and put it right in his face,


He looked so pissed, and he also looked sleepy, his hair was also messed up and he had red pj's


Wait! What are you talking about Blossom! Today is the day when you get a super cool boyfriend unlike this jerk

I then turned my alarm off and smiled at him


He glared at me,

"Thats why your never going to get a boyfriend, ever since last night I figured you-" 

"Shut up! I can so get a boyfriend! Plus today is a perfect day,"  I said

"Can you too shut up already?"  Boomer said coming out of their room,

"Tell your other brother to wake up too,  we have the first day of High school today!!"  I said cheerfully

Everyone was quiet

"Yayyyyy." Bubbles said in a gloomy way

Everyone was already dressed and they were all eating toast and eggs in the dining room,

"Do we really have to go to school?" butch said to the professor. He looked like a little sleepy kid in the morning not wanting to go to school.

"Sorry guys I can't leave all of you in the house," the proffesor  said sighing

"It's fine professor," sweet little bubbles said to him

"Thank you for understanding," he said patting her head

"Alright get in the car in 5 minutes," he sad checking his watch

"School starts at 8 right professor?" I said to him, standing up.

He nodded and sighed again

"I'll make sure everyone gets in on time," I said smiling at him and then turned to the others frowning.

"You hear that everyone, we can't be late because if we are then everyone is going to think we are weird and like all the guys are-"

"Alright drama queen! We get it!" Buttercup yelled at me, while rolling her eyes.


Bricks P.O.V

Once we got there the school was enormous, and everyone looked so rich and famous.

"Alright this is were I drop you guys off, have fun and don't..... get into trouble," the professor said to us

Heh, did he forget we are the rowdy ruff boys

"Alright guys let's not make a fool of ourselves," Blossom said to everyone once we all got off

"Yeah, figure it out yourself I'm on my own," I cut her off.

Then I walked passed them, they were quiet and watched me leave them. then Boomer and Butch followed behind me,

"C'mon guys we aren't here to play around with some stupid girls from our past,"

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