Lets go to the Amusement park!

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Hello thereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I'm really sorry for not posting! But this month I will update every week

The Only reason why I kind of don't update is because there are not a lot of those star thingies at the bottom. Buuuuutt some of you are dying to read whats going to happen. Sooo here we go!

 Sooo here we go!

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"s-sorry" Blossom said 

She then  looked down, thinking clearly what those clips meant. 

Brick looked at her confused

"Hey! Blossom are you okay!?" Bubbles said running to her , the rest followed behind. 

Buttercup punched Butch on the shoulder, 

"OW!" he yelled at her

she gave him a glare and he chuckled

"oh yeah....Um...sorry for almost hitting you" he said nervously.

But Blossom didn't hear anything they were saying,  She just stood there, thinking. 

Then everyone got awkward and there was silence.

"um...I think we are all a bit tired. lest just take a break," Buttercup said breaking the silence. 



"fine by me" 

Then they went to go sit at the benches, 

" I'll go get some water bottles," Buttercup quickly said

"hey, I'm going too" Butch suddenly said

"hell no. stay here." she said to him, and she turned to the house,

"yah don't be like that we are great friends" he said following behind her

he then put his arm around her, and he punched.

that's when they disappeared, and everything was quiet again

"tsk...they got along already." Boomer said annoyed.

Bubbles looked at him, and looked a bit sad.

while Blossom finally remembered what she did, and she started blushing.

Her heart skipped a bit when Brick would move just a little bit.

"Oh! I have a great Idea! why don't we all go to that new amusement park thats just like 20 minutes away," Bubbles said to them.

They all just looked at her, she didn't really talk that much

That's when Blossom smiled at her

"that sounds like so much fun!" 

Bubbles turned to her and smiled wide

"tsk." Brick and Boomer said almost as if they were disgusted

Blossom turned to them, and gave them a glare.

"we are back!" Butch yelled 

"why don't you ever shut up..." Buttercup said shaking her head

Butch ignored her and she ran to the rest of them. 



"please Professor! take us to the Amusement park!" Buttercup, Bubbles, and Blossom said to him

"they look like children....." Boomer said smirking,

Butch chuckled, and Brick rolled his eyes. 

"Alright, alright I will. that is if the boys want to" Professor finally said

"I mean I guess...since we are bored." Boomer said

"whatever" Brick said looking away

"YES! RIDES!" Butch said 


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