Date...? (part 3)

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OMG I love all of you guys so much💕💕
Im sooooooo happy you guys like my book so far! (Although my spelling its a crappy😓😓)
I will make tons and tons of chapters for you guys!!!!!!

Blossoms P.O.V.

Me and Brick stood close to eachother to hide that we were holding hands. Which made me feel so nervous, and the only thing I could hear was my heartbeat.

he is holding me so close...

I wanted to crawl up in a hole and die.

That's when I felt something was watching me....

It feels so scary I almost want to cry,

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Brick said to me, while getting close to my face, he looked confused and annoyed

We were just looking at eachothers eyes,

Why does his big red eyes remind me of someone??

That's when I pushed him out of my face with my other hand,

I could tell that my face was all pink and he probably was going to notice,

"Hey!" he said getting pissed

I just turned my head the other direction to not look at him

"Hmp! Don't get close to my face!" I said

"Gosh I was just Going to say why were you crying, you crybaby" he said

That jerk! Why do I suddenly have weird feelings for you!

"You Jerk!" I said facing him,

He just ignored me and got close to my face again, he was looking into my eyes,

I couldn't help but just look into his beautiful scarlet eyes...

"You also feel that don't you" he said his face turned into a serious look,


I heard a voice say, it sounded like a boys voice.

I completely ignored everything around me and everything turned black

I feel...dizzy..


W-who are you?! Why are you doing this.

"Hey! Blossom!" I heard Brick say,

"Brick..." i weakly said

Then everything turned back to normal

I looked at him scared

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'll tell you everything but this isny the place to tell you,"

He sighed,



"Sorry..." I said nervously

He was starting to look annoyed

"I guess I'm kinda hungry..."

"Yeah," he said rolling his eyes

It was my third time my stomach was making noises,

And all I could smell was the funnel cakes around us,

"Hehe..." I Laughed nervously

"So that's what happened," he said scratching his head with his other hand

"Yeah, we should watch out for anything," I said turning serious


I covered my stomach  and smiled at him

"Lets go eat something," he said annoyed, standing up.



"Yummy!" I said eating my delicious funnel cake

"Slow down pig," he said disgusted

I frowned and stuck out my tounge at him,

That's when I tried hitting him with my hand that was stuck to his, and it just flew out of his hand.

We both looked at our hands then at eachother

"Im free finally!!" I said playing with my fingers

"You are useful for some things," he said smirking

I felt my cheeks burn

He then sat scooted away from me

Weird...I felt warm and almost like I was being protected when I was holding his hands..

Oh well whatever!

"I can finally go have some fun!" he said getting up

I was about to follow him but then he turned to me,

"Bye, it was not fun hanging out with you," he said, then he turned around and left me there

That jerk!

"Hey there pretty lady," a man who was like in his 20s  said to me
Then his group of friends came over to me,

What is this?!

I don't have time for this!?

Ill just beat their butts!

I was about to use my powers but I felt weak, almost like someone was sucking up my powers

Oh no! I feel dizzy..

Then everything turned black


But then I felt someone's arms on my shoulders

"Who are you guys and what do you want..?" a familiar voice said

Everything then turned back normal and I looked up,


I got up and stood behind him, he took my hand

my heart couldn't stop beating 

"Who the hell you think you are!? Her boyfriend!" they said

How did this happened!!!!

My heart was already going crazy and I could tell brick was already really pissed and embarrassed... I didn't even dare to look at his face...

"Um..." I said looking down

Uughhhh!! This is all my fault, I feel like crying

Brick P.O.V

I glared at them,

I don't even know why Im doing this.

I sighed, and squeezed her hand a little bit.


No picture today😢 ☝☝

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