Did he always look this handsome?

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Buttercups P.O.V

"Awww come on Buttercup~ you can't be mad at me forever~"

I didn't look back at him, instead I just started scrubbing the floor much harder.

He's so freaking annoying!

Me and Butch where both cleaning the classrooms. He was talking the whole time and I didn't said a word.

He then put his arms around my waist, I suddenly got nervous

"L-let go of me!" I yelled at him, I then started punching his arms.

He let go of my waist and placed his hands on my shoulders so he can face my body to him.
That's when me and him made eye contact, he had that messed up black hair,and his big beautiful deep green eyes... he looked at me closely, like he was observing me.

"Hmmm" He said

Did he always look this handsome...?
Wait...! N-no he dosen't!!!

I then quickly looked away, my heart started pounding so fast. I feel like closing my eyes and disappear.

" why'd you stop looking at me~ I love seeing your calm face~ it looks cute on you" he said


I felt my face get hot and I quickly pushed him away from me.

"Haha~ your face is red~ I knew it I'm just way to handsome and I can get any girl to like me~♥️" Butch said clapping his hands

That suddenly made me feel mad.

" You think I like you?! Well I don't and I never will!!! So get that in your head okay?!" I accidentally blurted out

That's when I realized what I just said,
So the next thing that pops out of my head is to just run and leave him there.

Omg.omg..omg. WHAT THE HELL BUTTERCUP!!! What THe HEll iS WroNG wiTh yOu!! I'm so embarrassed!! And mad and sad and I just want to beat him up! But I don't want to hurt him!
Hello my lovely readers♥️♥️♥️♥️
How are y'all doing today~
Sorry for being a little hoe and not writing anything but trust me imma write more~😫😫😭👏🏼👏🏼♥️♥️♥️
Also I freaking love all of your comments~ I love reading them~♥️♥️♥️

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