The Rowdy Ruff Boys

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Blossom P.O.V

I wanted to go down those stairs, and see were it led to. 


I closed the door, and tried to find the exit

-30 min later- 

"gosh, that took forever!" I said out of breath, i was running around the house. 

good thing the girls where outside.

"GIRLS! GIRLS!"  I said running to the back.


"So your saying you found the basement?!" Buttercup said with an evil smile.

We were in my room, I'm just so glad that they are neighbors to my room.

"We should go there tonight!" I said to them

Bubbles looked down and nodded. Her face was bright red.

"We can have a Sleepover in my room!" Bubbles said happily.

"I can't wait!!..heehehe"

- later that day-

We were giggling at all the pranks we are going to do to them.

Ha jerks!

"Hey Blossom its already 11:00 pm! Already! Can we please go now!!??" Buttercup said whining.

"Ok ok just be quiet!" I said to them, shouting whispering.

Bubbles puffed up her cheecks and Buttercup had an evil smile on her face. I just rolled my eyes at them and smiled.
"Okay girls! We are here!" I turned around and whispered to Bubbles and Buttercup

"Okay the two rules are don't touch anything that's from professors and try to be quiet"

They nodded and i turned to the door.

I sighed and opened the door.

It was pretty dark so we had our  flashlights ready

We walked down the stairs, it was quiet and you could hear the bubbling of the experiments.

Once we got downstairs it was huge!!!
There were many bottles and neon experiments around us.

"Woah!" I said
"Okay whatever lets just find those jerks!" Buttercup said to me and Bubbles.

Me and her nodded and we found the three gigantic experiment bottles  there!
It was neony green and there were things in there.

"What the hell is that!?" Buttercup said rubbing her eyes.

"It looks like there are humans inside!" I said running to it.

The girls followed behind and once we got there we found out what was in there.

"The Rowdy Ruff Boys!?" we all said at the same time.

There was green water inside and the only thing you could see was their head to stomach.

"Don't tell me they are!?.... NAKED!?!"  I said screaming and turning around
The girls also turned around and buttercup shrugged,  but her face was red.
"I live with boys" she said
Bubbles was really red

Poor Bubbles....

"Girls?..." we heard a familiar voice.


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