Date. (part 2)

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Nobody's P.O.V
The professor told them to meet him at the parking lot at 8 pm.

"Awww only an hour of fun?!" Butch started whining.

"Ash, shut up! At least we get to have fun," Buttercup said to him annoyed,

"Alright then, I'll meet you guys at the parking lot. Oh! And Blossom,Brick..." the professor said turning to them,

"If anything is bothering you two, then you can leave early,"


The professor sighed,

"And please, try to get along everyone," he said, but everyone already left while he was talking.

Bricks P.O.V


"Don't curse Brick!" Blossom snatched at me,

"Like hell am I going to ride this ride!" I said to her, pointing at the teacups,

She turned to me, scrunched her nose, and then she pointed at the gigantic roller coaster ride that was next to the teacups.

"Do you think I wanna ride that!" she yelled at my face,

I groaned,

And there wasn't a big line too,

"Hi Butch," Butch said to me, he was in line with Boomer and Buttercup.

Butch said something to Buttercup and Boomer and Buttercup tried not to laugh, and boomer grinned at me.

I clinched my fists,

"Well go on it next..." Blossom them said,

I turned to her, but when I did she turned to Bubbles, completely ignoring me.

I really don't understand you at all...

But I also don't have a good feeling about this...

I feel like a really strong energy is just looking at me...

I looked around,

Ever since I moved in with the puffs crazy things happen...

"Hey! Brick!" Blossom then said, making me jump.

I glared at her for scaring me,

"Stop thinking and lets go! Were next," she said getting excited.

I looked at her,

She probably feels this energy too...yet she is still trying to have fun...

Once the ride was over Blossom started talking to Bubbles about all the other stupid kid rides, that's when I pulled her hand to me,

"We are going on this ride, remember?" I said smirking at her

She stared at me, surprised. Then her face turned light pink


"F-fine!" she said looking down, then at Bubbles.

"Sorry Bubbles...I kind of promised him..."

She smiled at her and then she left to go find the others, leaving me and Blossom alone.

Bubbles P.O.V

I tried looking for the others, and looked everywhere but I couldn't find them, they were all probably on the rides.

That's when I decided to just look at the little kids who were on cute bunny rides.


I was watching them from a bench that can let you see the best lights and rides.

"Awe I want that one!" I heard a girl say,

I turned to the voice, it was a girl and a boy,

The boy was shooting darts at the balloons to win a prize, the girl was pointing to a cute bear plushie,

"Heh...okay," he said

He ended up wining, and got her the bear.

"Yay! Thank youuu!" she said hugging the plushie, then him

He laughed nervously and put his arm around her,

Ah...they are probably dating...

A Date huh...

I want to go on one...and i want to feel love...

"What are you doing here by yourself?" a soft, gloomy voice said

I looked up, it was Boomer

I was speechless, he never talks to me,

"What?" he said, his face turned kind of annoyed

"Oh! Um n-nothing!" I quickly said,

He then sat next to me,

Why do I feel so hot and nervous?

Then we were quiet and I didn't know what to say, so I looked at the couple that were still playing games,

This time the boy got what the girl wanted on the first try

My eyes glowed and I was so impressed.

That's when they were going to get a super cute bunny that almost I wanted it, but they missed

"Tuh," I then heard Boomer say

But I still kept my eyes on them trying to win the bunny, that was when they gave up and left

"C'mon," Boomer said standing up, and heading to the game that they were playing

I was so surprised, but I still stood up and followed behind him.

He then won the first try again

"Woooahh..." I said clapping

"Which one do you want sir?" the guy said to him,

Boomer then pointed at the bunny I was looking at,

I just stared at him...

Did he knew I wanted this...?

That's when my heart started beating fast,

isn't this what happens in those romantic books when the guy likes the girl and they go on dates an stuff...

That's when the guy gave him the bunny, and he received it from him and he walked away.


I stared at him,

Heh, im so stupid he will never like me...we used to be rivals.

I then ran to catch up to him,

I looked at him,

"That's a cute bunny..." I said looking at the big bunny on his arms.

"Yeah, that's why I got it," he said to me

I then pouted,

Hmp! Im so stupid for thinking he will give it to me

He then let out a soft laugh,

"Here," he said handing out the bunny to me

I stared at him,

Wait what....?

"Im not gonna walk around with this," he said

I was speechless, I just couldn't say anything

"Do you want it yes or no?" he said again, his face turning a bit annoyed

"Y-yes!" I said receiving the bunny

He then put his hands on his pockets and walked away like nothing happend,

"Thank you..." I softly said hiding my hot smiling face on the bunny.

I then followed behind him


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