Did I do something to her?

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Bricks P.O.V

I feel like I did something wrong...
What the fu** , I know I didn't do anything. But something is bothering me.

Then the annoying girl, Blossom popped up in my head, and the stupid boy in the weird coat.

I don't care anyways,

me and Boomer where waiting outside for Butch since he said to wait for him

RIng RING ring~

my phone started ringing, it was Butch

"what the hell, where are you?" I said

"Hey-yo MY BrOs!! Guess what! I'm going to my detention date with Buttercup" (if you forgot Butch and Buttercup got in trouble so they have detention after school)

"alright whatever bye." I said and I hung up,

"so are we leaving him?" Boomer said

"of course we are leaving his ass, he has detention with one of the puffs" I started walking out the school gates until I noticed Boomer, he was looking at something

"Boomer what the hell are you doi-" I said and saw where he was looking, it was the blonde puff, it looked like a boy was giving her a gift.

I rolled my eyes

why are we wasting time? and why is Boomer looking at her? he better not have feelings for her. Its so freaking stupid, a villan and a superhero to end up together. sometimes I can't understand his feelings,

I looked at him,

his face never shows emotion. Only when he's mad, sometimes I miss his old self....he's kept his feelings to himself and doesn't open up to anyone.

That was when I saw Blossom,

That girl... she is mad at me... fuc* its bothering me so much.

she took her sisters hand and started walked the opposite direction we were going

Oh shit, I completely forgot we live with them!

"lets...just. follow them," I quickly said, Boomer nodded and we both ran slowly to them

Blossom was talking about someone, it sounded like she was talking about a boy.

what the hell, she can't have a boyfriend already? its barely the first day of school.

"Ughh dont think of that STUPID JErK!!" she said

"who?" I said, realizing that I said that outloud and I was walking next to her,

her jaw dropped, she looked surprised.

heh...shes so weird...

I half smiled at her weirdness

"Have you been following us the whole time!?" she yelled at me, her face was turning all red

"what the hell, did you forget we live together? aren't you the smart one here" i said teasing her a little, she then glared at me

what? did I do something to her? is she mad at me?

"are you mad?" I said so confused, its bothering me.

she then turned and completely ignored me.

I just stared at her long orange hair.

I felt sadness and lonelyness all over me...it's bringing me back memories.

Memories of Sam...

(If y'all forgot go to where Butch starts talking about Sam, but you'll know her laterrrrrrrr)

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