His Dream

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Bricks P.O.V


Wh-where the hell am I? 

I said to myself, while looking around the weird place I was in. Everything was white until I saw a small yellow light far away

what the?

I decided to run to the light since i had no choice,

once I was halfway close to the light, I saw a little clearer, it was a girl. She had long, straight,Golden brown hair.

I've seen that hair somewhere...
N-no way!  that can't be...

I tried to run as fast as I can to reach to her, but something was pulling me back,

what the hell is it now? 

I turned back, it was only my shadow, but two hands came out and started pulling my legs to the ground,


I tried kicking the hands, but they were to strong


I have to see if that's....

The girl turned around, but before i could see her face, the shadow pulled me down quickly


I reached my hands out to her, but before she could do anything I fell in the darkness, 

I-I cant breath!

I looked around, everything was dark and i couldn't breath

H-help! I feel so weak....

I felt all of my energy flowing out of my body. That's when I saw a pink light in the middle, just like the yellow light. 

but this time a beautiful voice was singing, I couldn't see the girl, but her tears 

wh-who is she...

That's when her singing made me feel calmer and I finally had the energy to breath. 

I felt tired, her voice made me want to sleep...


I opened my eyes


I looked to my right, it was blossom, her head was resting on our hands. 


when is she going to wake up.

I studied her face, she was calm until I saw tears running down her eyes.

"H-hey," I said trying to get up, but realised I was hurt from my stomach. It was probably from Blossoms punch.

Ugh...nevermind im not going to wake her up.

"Have fun in your nightmares..." I said to her

But more tears kept on running down her cheeks. And she was starting to look scared.

I turned away from her and looked around the room,

This room looks neat, I call dibs on this one for sure!

I then realized that there was a bucket of water next to Blossom and i touched my forehead.

Ah so it was her who put this towel on me...

I looked at her again, she then started shaking.

What is she?...some kind of animal.

I patted her head,

There, there you'll be okay...

I remembered someone telling me that

I looked up to the ceiling



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