Maybe one day

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I'm sorry for being such a terrible author😩😩☹️but I really hope you guys still like and read my book even though I don't post right away😭😩I'm so sorry guys😭I will start posting more😌😌♥️♥️♥️I really love all of you guys♥️♥️

Bubbles P.O.V

I was "waiting" for Boomer since his locker is kind of close to mine but he takes his time when the bell rings.

Why isn't he coming? What's taking him so long?? Longer than any other day....

I waited there but he never came.

Hmp! Why do I care anyways?! He dosen't even talk to me....but then againnn maybe I should check up on him. Maybe he fell down the stairs and needs my help! Or maybe he already left?? Argh I don't know! I'll just go check on him.

I closed my locker and walked up the stairs to the third floor,

I think Biology is his last class....

That's when I saw him, but he was standing there....with a girl.

She was a cute girl with big glasses and light brown short hair, she was laughing and punching his shoulder slightly

Huh? Who is she????

I felt kind of mad...she's talking to him more than I talk to him,

He then started laughing and talked back to her, they seemed to be getting along really good

That makes me feel bad about myself, I'm too shy to talk to him and I've been living with him!!ugh!

Thats when I saw them packing up and getting their things ready to leave,

Omigod omigod I have to hide!!!

I waited for them to get out the classroom, and hid behind a wall

"So you like puppy's? Cuz I have a cute little cocker spaniel, you should come over and we can hang out at my place"

Please say no please say no please say no

"Oh...well sure yeah maybe one day," Boomer said back

I wish I can talk comfortably with him like she does

They were heading downstairs and she said to him

"Do you want to get some coffee? Or ice cream? I know a really great place close by?"

PleasePlease don't say yes

"Well...not today, I have an essay I have to finish...but I would like to go with you one of these days after school," he said

Yes!!! But wait...why is talking to her in such a sweet voice like he doesn't want to hurt her feelings. I mean she is really pretty and has a really nice body and all the guys always stare at her...ughh

"HEY BUBBLES! WHATCHA DOING HERE?!" Amy, My only real best friend I have yelled at me from behind.

I freaked out and looked at Boomer and the girl, they both looked at me and Amy, I then looked at Amy and just stared at her.

"What's um.." she said once she saw Boomer, she knows I like him and she whispered to me


I heard their footsteps go all the way down and I sighed,

"Amy why did you do that?? I was trying to find out what they were talking about," I said to her and walked to the window,

"Sorry girl I was just playing around I didn't know it was him," She said following me behind

"It's fine, but do you know who that girl is??" I said to her,

"Oh you mean Jessica? She's super duper pretty and omg did you know she has like five cars and her parents are super rich she also gets great grades, and she's never really dated anyone the only person who really caught her eye your Romeo,Boomer." She said the last part quietly,

"Wow, she's like perfect..." I said looking down at the students  and  the couples outside,

"Yeah...I wish I was her, she literally rejected 8 boys for the homecoming dance," Amy said while she took out her phone.

"Ugh, it's so embarrassing, I literally live with him yet we barely talk...I want him to talk to me and I want to talk to him..and get closer to him..and be friends." I said and that's when I saw them outside, they were still talking and pretty close to each other.

"I'm going to be too late before I know it," I just said,

"GiRl! thAtS It!!" Amy shouted with excitement, which scared me

"Geez you scared me...what?" I said giggling a little

"Ask him to homecoming before miss perfect asks him,"


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