Tommorow is a new day.

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Buttercups P.O.V

"Hey! Buttercup! Lets go to the Haunted House next!" Butch said to me, we were walking around because we already rode all of the rides, and we had nothing to do.

Why does it have to be the Haunted House?

"No way, that's like for babies," I said

"What, you afraid?" He said grinning at me,

"Why the hell will I be afraid?" I said getting pissed

He smiled widely at me and then took my hand,

"Lets go!" He said dragging me,

W-what the hell is he doing!?

"H-hey! Let go of me!" I said trying to let go of his hand,

He then got close to my face, he was still smiling

I leaned back

"I'll protect you!" He said laughing

"I will never trust you," I said letting go of his hand,

I was about to turn around until he warped his hands on my hips,

"Eeeih!" I let out a girly scream,

S-shit! Did that just came out of me?!

Butch started cracking up,

I screamed at his face, I was feeling hot and I could only hear my loud heart beats,

"Alright I'll let go unless we go to the haunted house together," he said


He then put his head on my shoulder,

"ALRIGHT ALRIGIHT!" I said, he then let go of me.

He then smirked

"You are so childish," I said, still feeling kind of hot and my heart was going crazy

"I'm not childish, this is just the way I am," he said changing his happy smile into a calm one.

"I try to be more happy, me and my brothers had a harsh childhood," he said looking down

"Especially Brick..."

Blossoms boyfriend.

"What happened to him?"

"Well, he fell in love with a girl name Sam, but she passed away"

He said looking up

I was and my sisters also had a experience with that too.

"Anyywayys," he said turning back to me smiling

"Lets go!" He said

I just sighed and followed behind him,

He then put his arms around me,

"Im going to punch you if you touch me again, " I said frowning at him.

He laughed and ignored me.

Blossoms P. O. V

"Its none of your business if she is my girlfriend or not,"  Brick said glaring at the group of men,

He was holding my hand tightly,

I feel so safe when he is with me...although I know he is weak right now and can't fight....

Thats when something caught my attention, I felt like the energy was closer than before,

I turned around,

There was a boy. He was wearing glasses, he had light orange hair and he was wearing a white lab coat,

But I couldn't leave my eyes off of him.

I think I know him.

He was also looking at me straight,

My heart skipped a beat.

I completely forgot about everything around me,

Who is he?

"Hey,"  Brick finally said to me,

I quickly turned to him,

"Huh?" I said

"I also feel like that dark energy Is close,"  he said

"I feel mad almost like frustrated like I can't do anything right now since I'm so weak," he continued

"Hey! What are you guys doing with my brother!" A familiar voice said

It was Boomer, and  bubbles wad  behind him,

Finally some help!

"We are going to teach all of you kids a lesson for not screaming at us,"

"Hehehhe you are so funny mister!" another familiar voice said

It was Butch, he was smirking at them

"Shit, how many of you kids are there!?" one of the men said

"Shit what if their parents calls the police,"

"Lets get out of here people are staring"

Then the men left and also Bricks hand left mine.

He completely ignored me and walked to his brothers,

"Thanks guys" he said smiling at them

Hmp that jerk...

Wait why is my heart racing so fast....

I touched my chest,

Don't tell me Brick is going to be my first crush in my high school days!!!!!


"Alright kids goodnight," the professor said to  us

"Tommorow is a new day for all of you,"

"Night" we all said, the boys were sleeping in one rom, although they already had their own rooms but we also decided to do that too. But the problem was that their room was right across our room.

"Psst! Psst! Girls Tommorow is our first day of high school! Im so nervous!" Bubbles whispered to me and Buttercup, she sat up and turned on her bunny nightlight.

"Yeah, its gonna be wayyy different here" Buttercup said looking up

"Oh and there's gonna be a lot of cute boys around the school!!!!" I said fangirling not too loud

"Huh? I thought Brick was your boyfriend?" Buttercup said smirking at me

I threw her a pillow

"S-shut up!" I said shouting-whispering at her

My face was turning red and Buttercup turned to Bubbles

"And you probably got that thing your holding from that guy- Boomer," she said laughing

Bubbles' face turned all red and she covered it with the bunny.

"N-no! I mean y-es n-no!" she said studdering

I frowned at her

"Oh yeah, well when you came to meet us you were with Butch," I said crossing my hands

"Hahahaha, you think I like that stupid jerk," she said getting nervous

Bubbles then sat up straighter and moved the bunny out of her face

"Yes yes now that you mention it I think he might like you, have you seen the way he touches yo-"

"Alright alright you two!" she finally said giving up

Me and bubbles smiled at eachother

"Well tommorow is a new day, so lets see what happens,"

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