Why the hell did I do that?

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Boomer P.O.V

Blonde walked into the classroom like nothing happened, she had a smile on her face and her eyes looked they where filled with sadness,

I sighed and looked out into the window so I won't see her

What's with her? Was is those girls? Or me? Did I make her feel bad? And why do I care? I already have someone in my heart.

I heard her footsteps go to the way back of the classroom,

"Dang, I don't know why the girls are going crazy over the supermodel boys? They look stupid and that's a stupid name for them"
The boys behind me started talking trash about me and my brothers.

I rolled my eyes and ignored them,

Good thing I have headphones, I'll just put them on and forget everything,

"But guys, the girl behind us. The blonde one with two ponytails, she's cute isn't she?"

Hm...? Bubbles?

I slightly turned my head to them, they where staring at her, she was looking down at her hands. Not looking up,

I sighed loudly

This is interesting, i thought no one liked her.........
What if those jerks hurt her?

Aaaarggh! Whatever! I don't care!

"Um, Boomer"

I turned back to the voice that scared me, it was the annoying girl that followed me around and was talking to Bubbles,

Omigod, what's with all these girls?

I sighed and looked at her

"Yes? What is it?"

"Um. Can we please sit down next to you and your brothers at lunch?"

I rolled my eyes, that's when I heard the boys behind me getting up

I looked back at them, one of them was walking towards Bubbles and she still didn't look up.

I felt so mad and I wanted to yell at them to leave her alone

"Um yeah, sure I guess" I said to the girl, her face glew up with excitement and I turned back to the boys.

There was an empty chair next to bubbles and one of the boys was going to sit next to her, that's when I instantly got up. I went up to the boys and gave them glares, they looked confused and scared. I then turned to Bubbles who was looking at me, confused and scared as well

Wait....why the hell am I doing this?

I sighed, said nothing and sat down next to her not even thinking what I just did

Hold up, I don't like her... I just feel like I need to protect her.... holy shit! Wait what THE HELL DiD I JUST Do!?

Why did I do that...??

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