Who's the lucky girl?

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I make so manny  grammar mistakes~😅💀luv yall❤️❤️❤️

Bricks P. O.V
"Wow you are so handsome~"
"Can you guys come to our party this saturday?"
"Can I please have your phone number?"
"Omg omg omg I'm sooooo going to take a picture with them!"

"Okay, okay sorry ladies!" Butch said to the fangirls. They where all huddling around us as if we where idols, we were trying to get to our table, but the stupid girls where bothering us

I sighed and rolled my eyes

"I just want to eat my lunch~" Boomer said whining

"Sorry girls, another day maybe!" Butch pretended to be our manager by trying to move the girls out of our way,

He flashed them smiles so they won't feel bad and they all screamed

"Okay playboy, that's enough just tell them to leave" I gave him a glare

"Alrighty~ bye girlllllsss~"

We finally sit down and there are no girls around us anymore,

"Hm... I wonder what my date is doing right now??" Brick said looking around the cafeteria

"Date? Don't you mean DateS?" Boomer said grinning, Butch was drinking his milk and he choked on his milk trying hard not to laugh.

"Who is the lucky girl?" Boomer continued

"She is a cute tomboy~" Butch said dreamy

"Ah, so that's your type" Boomer said looking around the cafeteria, that's when he looked surprised and then he looked away.

I looked up.

There was a group of boys trying to talk to Bubbles, Buttercup, and Blossom.

Short but stay tuned~❤️❤️

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