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Nobody's P.O.V

"Hmmmm" The Proffesor said from the phone,

"I'm afraid that your hands are going to be stuck together for right now, "

"Professor! are you joking!" Blossom screamed at the phone that Buttercup was holding in front of her

"haha." Buttercup mothered to her and Brick

Brick shot her a dark glare, and Boomer and Butch both smirked in the back.

"I promise to come back home as soon as possible," Professor said quickly and hung up.

"aaargghh!" Blossom said trying to turn but Brick was blocking her.

He glared at her, she then became more annoyed and she glared back.

"move it." she then said. But he ignored her

"Fu** you." he said to her

Oh no he didn't!...Okay I'm just  going to let this slide

Blossom said to herself

But she still looked really mad, so she kept her eyes on him

His eyes then started to look weaker, and his face started to look pale

"u-um Brick are you okay?" Blossom said getting nervous.

He didn't respond then he just fainted on her.

"Brick!" everyone said,

Blossoms P.O.V

I holded him, and then touched his forehead. it was starting to burn up,

"Alright this is what we are going to do! Buttercup, Bubbles get me a bucket of water and towels, and boys...um I guess you guys can follow behind them, you haven't been around the house yet." I said giving Buttercup a look.

she nodded, and she turned to Brick and Boomer

"don't touch anything! and listen to me, unless you want to end up like your brother!"

they both looked at each other, then at Buttercup and then they grinned

"sure." they said shrugging

then they all flew up, leaving me and Brick alone.

I thought about laying him down on the couches there

"ugh our hands being stuck together is so annoying..." I said softly, while moving his bangs out of his hair with my other hand.

" this wouldn't have happened if we stopped fighting."

I looked at his face, he was sweating and he looked really pale and weak.

" yuck." I said wiping my hands

"but still...he is a bit cute...but only a little" I softly blurted out.

I studied his face,

I wonder whats happening with you right now...

then his face became even pale, and he started to breath heavily and sweating a lot

"Omg!" I said freaking out,

"GUYS! HURRY UP!" I yelled

I wonder whats taking them so long

that's when I felt Bricks hands tightend mine.

"S-Sam..." he started saying

He then had tears running down his cheek.

"Sam!...S-Sam..." he kept on repeating the name 


"Hey, sorry we were late!" Bubbles finally came bursting in. 

she brought a cold bucket of water, and some towels

"can you bring that to one of their rooms," I said to her, while trying to carry Brick. 

she nodded and we both flew upstairs

"hey, were are the rest?" I said to her

"um...well...Buttercup challenged them to a soccer match, and they made me do all of the work." she said nervously

I rolled my eyes

stupid Buttercup.

Once we got to Bricks room I placed him in his red bed,

"hey bubbles could you pass me that stool," I said to her

she handed it to me, and I sat next to Brick.

Bubbles then placed the Bucket of water down in front of me, I then struggled to wet the towel and put in on his forehead, but I eventually got it.

Bubbles watched as I did this and she sat on the floor next to me.

she then rested her head on the bead and she watched me

"Blossom you are really good at taking care of sick people!" she said impressed

I laughed a little,

"thanks, but this is just  easy stuff," I said

"ne, Blossom do you know what you look like right now" she said smiling

"what," I said turning back to Brick, I wiped his tears.

" hehe,you look like a really great wife" she said giggling

I blushed a little and rolled my eyes

"yeah right, first of all I will never be a wife to this loser, and second of all you know I cant cook at all," I said studying him, he was calming down a bit

"oh yeahhh, I guess your right hehe" she said sitting up.

"Blossom, um can I ask you something" she then said

I turned to her,

"sure" I said cheerfully

"um, can I borrow those high school books you have" she said blushing

"hm, why?" I said confused

"um, well I heard that in high school-which we are going to- is going to be really different from middle school," she said looking down

"um, sure just get one from my bookshelf" I said turning back to Brick, he was calming down a bit more

"thanks Bloss!" she said standing up,

"oh and Bubbles could you please check on Buttercup and the guys," I said to her

That Buttercup, what is she doing right now...?

she nodded and then closed the door behind her, leaving me and Brick alone again.

I played around with his hair,

"why do you have so much hair...?" I randomly said

he then calmed down, and he started to look peaceful, he then started to breathe normally, I suddenly felt really tired and weak.

I then rested my head on the bed,

I'll just close my eyes for a bit....

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