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Blossom P.O.V

I was staring at myself in the mirror while brushing my teeth,

What the hell is Bricks problem..?
As in why does he pop out of nowhere and just makes me heart pound so fast...
I don't want to see his face...he's making my head hurt...

I was so dazed and wasn't thinking through that a large slam from the door scared me.


I quickly finished brushing my teeth and then ran to our room, but then I saw Brick standing close to our door. So I stopped and turned around

Nope nope nope nope nope.

"H-hey!" Brick said behind me

Is he talking to me?? No... why would he??

Then I started walking faster,

"Hey!! Wait I've gotta tell you something!" I heard him say, which made my heart beat faster and I started running all the way till I got to our backyard.

"Blossom!" He finally said it

He said my name...

I turned around softly, my heart was beating fast and I just wanted to close my eyes and not see him there but he was.

"W-what?" I finally said

"Why are you running away from me?" He said kind of annoyed

I kind of got a bit annoyed by his tone and I crossed my arms.

"What do you want! Gee I just DonT wANt To TalK to YOu!" I yelled at him

He looked surprised and then he looked down and looked confused

"I feel bad for whatever I did." He said without looking at me

I was surprised and that was when my heart started beating faster and I couldn't see anything around us. Only him.

I looked down

He apologized... omg.

That was when I felt something on my head, I was started and I looked up. It was Bricks face so close to mine and he had his left hand on my head!! He then brushed my hair away from my face and gently put it behind my ear.
That was when his eyes looked kind of dazed, like he was going to kiss me!!

IM GOING to get KiSsed by Brick!!!

That was when he placed his lips on mine.
I was so shocked and surprised that I didn't even close my eyes and enjoyed the moment of this feeling but it was only 3 seconds and happened so fast.

He then pushed me away from him fast but not hard. He then looked shocked and he looked a bit mad and he wanted to say something but he didn't so he turned around and walked back. While I was standing there like an idiot, dazed and confused.

Did I just get my first kiss stolen by my childhood enemy?

Heyyy guysss♥️
I love you guys💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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