You gotta crush on me?

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Buttercups P.O.V

There it is...hold up no...I don't want to do this...this is stupid......
I couldn't stop thinking about what the stupid girls where talking about in the bathroom.
"Omg look!!omgomgomg!" The stupid girls or the Butch fangirl group were huddling when I got to the bathroom, but I ignored them and did my business.

"Wow Butch is so freaking hot! Omg don't you think so!"

Butch? What the hell are the talking about now?

"EeeEeeEeEKk OMGggg he HaS His Shirt Off in this one!!!!! LOOK AT THOOSE ABSSS!!!"


Can y'all shut the hell up! Let me get out of this place! It's fucking hell in here...

"Omg can you girls imagine being his girlfriend~ like the whole school will know you for being Butch's girlfriend~omg it will be so dreamyy~ omg look he's like a model~"


I don't know why that word stuck to me but it does and it makes me feel weird. I don't like this feeling Aaarghh I've never felt anything like this before!! So I got pissed at myself for feeling this way and those lousy girls!

I walked to the sink were they were huddling around one girls phone but they were all in my way,

"Can you move it please." I said to them loud and clear just so they now I'm not in the mood for their whatever they were doing.

Once they saw me they quite down and started whispering to each other,

"Hey she knows Butch, I've seen him talk to her."

Ha lol! I do talk to him. I kind of feel bad you stupid girls don't see him as much as I do! Ha as if they would get his attention...

As they were leaving I heard one say on their way out

"Ha lol as if she's his girlfriend, have you seen his text messages go on during class, omg chillout like she isn't that cute either."

That makes me feel a bit bothered. Meh whatever as if I ever cared about him or me.


What was his Instagram again? Shit how did I already forget it. Why can't it be his name in his username?

I threw myself in bed lying around and trying to figure out that stupid boys username,

Maybe I should ask Blossom, she's an expert in stuff like this. Or maybe not. She might think I'm interested in Butch when I really am not. Shit what do I do.

"HeY! BOomer! Want to Play SoCcEr with ME! I WANT TO PRACTICE!!! PLeAse CoME OuTside!!"

Shit that scared me!

It was Butchs voice that scared me,

Why the hell is this happening to me?!

"nO. leave Me ALOnE I'm pLayIng Video games!!" Boomer said to him back

Shit shit I feel like he's gonna come into my room and ask if he wants me to play with him.

"Hey BUtTErCUPP~!!!"

Shit. Pretend you're doing something Buttercup, calm down calm down

I started running around the place looking for my book bag and quickly took out some books and flipped to a random page,

"EYYyyy!! MY sWeet Buttercup you wanna play with me~"

I heard his stupid voice outside my door, my heart was pounding like crazy I felt like vomiting right there.

He knocked on my door and I jumped

"G-go away! I'm doing homework!"  I managed to say to him

"Hm? Homework? Lol hahahaha I've never seen you do HOmEWoRk!" He started giggling and he banged on the door again,

"Please Buttercup~"

"N-no GO aWAY!" I yelled at him

"ALRIght ALriGhT! dammit and I really wanted to play..."

I heard him walking away and I finally let out a big sigh,
"Why does he do this to my heart..?"

"Yuck what am I saying this isn't me,"

I waited for a good 5 minutes then I got up and slowly opened my door,

Perfect this stupid jerk actually left!


I heard his phones notifications coming from his room, his door was open too.

Maybe I should....wait no why would I?! I'm not a freaking pervert.

Then I thought about  those stupid girls I overheard in the bathroom,

I've gotta take chances, come on Buttercup you're not a weak girl!

I slowly walked towards his room and looked around for him, my heart was beating a thousand times faster and I was starting to sweat.

When I got to his room it was all packed with posters of big soccer players and other sports in there,

Wowww!! This is just as beautiful as my room! Probably even a little bit better...


I turned towards his phone, it was on his bed.

Should I?

I looked outside once more and quickly took his phone

Easy WIn!!

I turned on his phone and holy moly it was filled with notifications from all of his accounts

Then I felt two hands wrapped around my waist,

"I know you would be here." Butch whispered to my ear and caused me to shiver, and my heart started pounding faster.

He threw me softly to his bed and grinned,

"You're not so strong aren't you? What's wrong gotta crush on me?"

I'm sorry like always🥺😭☹️I promise I will upload a lot and write a lot this summer🙌🏼I've got lots and lots of Ideas🤔😌😌So please stay tuned my lovely and patient readers😭♥️♥️♥️

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