No choice

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Bubbles P.O.V

The nice boy who sits in front of me in my science class stared at me the whole class period, he just looked back at me and when my eyes met his, he quickly looked away.

his name is Mike.

"Here Bubbles!" He said giving me a cute bear

I looked at him speechless, I didn't know what to say.

I heard Blossom fangirling quietly.

"I really want to get closer to you
Bubbles..." he said looking down, his face was turning red, which made me feel flustered.

"O-oh...okay." I said

He handed me a light brown bear, I had no choice but to receive it. I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"Soooo how does it feel?? you already got a confession~" Blossom said cheerfully and she gave me a high-five

"Hehe...yayy." I tried saying it cheerfully and happy but instead it came out sad.

I looked at the bear and touched it's cute soft stomach

I got a rabbit last time....

"What's wrong Bubbles? You don't like him?" Blossom said worryingly,

"N-no. I'm just... flattered...I don't have anything to say."

"Nah it's normal girl~ maybe he can be your first boyfriend~" she said and she started fangirling again


"Woahh, lucky girl~ you got a cute boy, the only boys that so far have asked for my number are all weird ugly nerds." She said making a gross face, which made me giggle

"I...I don't know. I don't feel sad at all it's feels like I want someone else, like my heart wants someone special someone that I already's weird right?"

I hope I don't sound stupid...

Blossoms face then turned serious and a bit sad and confused.

"Yeah...I kind of know how you feel sis." She said and she looked up

That means blossom also has someone in her heart already!!??

"Ughhhh don't think of that stUPID Jerk!!!!"  She then said out loud,

"Who?"  Someone said behind us.

We both turned around scared, it was Brick and Boomer

I looked at Boomer, his eyes met mine.
My heart started beating fast.

What's wrong with me....?

I quickly looked down. I felt blood rush through my cheeks.

Blossom and Brick were both fighting but my mind was blank.

Wait...he was looking at me right??? Am I imagining things??

I looked up at him again, he was still looking at me. But this time his face was a bit annoyed.

Did I do something??

"Can you stop looking at me." He finally said

....w-what... a jerk!

He then passed by me like nothing happened.

He doesn't care about me at all!

I felt so mad and so sad and so hurt that I marched over to him and said

"Y-you jerk! You don't even want to be friends with me at all! Why do you even bother sitting next to me today?!"

I looked at him, his face was a bit shocked. That's when I realized

Bubbles what did you just do! You just yelled at him!

I was holding in my tears but after I realized what I did tears came running down my face

N-no Bubbles! Stop being a little wimp! You can't cry!

I then I ran. I ran as fast as I can.

I'm so stupid! Why did I do that!?

I love you guys~♥️

And I freaking hate myself for not writing! So I'm uploading like 3 or 4 or more chapters for you guys since this is such a fucking boring part. Promise me it's getting there😳😳😳😁😁😆🤫🤫🤐🤐♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ something unexpectedly.....

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