Chapter 5: The Immune and Mysterious Natsu

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-Lucy P.O.V-
"Lucy!" Cana said, shocked. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"To get you out, idiot," I replied. "Come on. The council are literally right behind us, so we need to keep moving."
"Alright, I'll back you up," she agreed. "Let's leave this prison with a bang."

"Urano Metria is a spell that can be used when I overtake all my spirits at once," I had explained to Natsu. "It's an extremely powerful spell, but I'm always exhausted after I use it."
Natsu had hesitated at the risky idea, but he believed I was capable and agreed to it in the end. Natsu and I had split up from the rest of the group, despite most of them questioning why I wanted to go with Natsu and not any of them. I needed him by my side, so I was sure he was in no danger.
But why?...
Now we had retrieved Cana, we were heading to Levy's room. Then we'd hurry to the back exit where we'd meet the others and most likely an army of council soldiers.

"Lucy, thank goodness you're okay!" Levy said happily, putting her book to one side and rushing over. "And...who's this?"
Natsu sighed, annoyed at everyone wondering why a man was accompanying me.
"I'll explain later. Right now we need to get out of here," he replied, opening the door for her.
Natsu seems a lot more confident after meeting Erza...I thought to myself. Or was after meeting me?

-Natsu P.O.V-
"Are we near the exit?" I asked Lucy.
"Yeah, just around this corner at the end of the hall," she replied.
"Okay. Get Urano Metria ready," I told her. She nodded, and began focusing on something. Maybe she had to gather her magic power? I wasn't sure- magic was still a foreign thing to me.
"I hope we'll make it," Levy muttered, worried.
"You all prepared for this?" Cana asked, grinning. She got several cards out of of a pocket in her kimono.
"That's your magic, isn't it? Magic card," I said to her. Cana nodded, flashing them off to me.
"Looks like you know your stuff," she said. "Maybe you won't be completely useless."
"Cana!" Lucy shouted, annoyed. "What is it with all of you..."
"Ah, she's just jealous," I said, smirking. Lucy looked at me with a surprised expression, but Cana just laughed. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder, her grin only growing wider.
"I like this guy!" She said cheerfully.

As we turned the corner, it was worse than we had suspected. About fifty guards were lined up, weapons in hand.
"The others aren't here yet?" I said, trying to spot them.
"Lady Lucy Heartfilia and Lady Cana Alberona, we have been ordered by the chairman directly to sustain and capture you. Any accomplices are to be executed on sight," one of the guards stated. By 'accomplices', it was clear they meant me.
"Get back," Lucy instructed. "I'll finish most of these in one go."
The guards readied their weapons, preparing to fight. But, the way Lucy described this spell, they wouldn't be able to do much. They all began charging towards us, meaning we didn't have long.
"Go Lucy!" Cana shouted, but Lucy had already started. She raised both hands in front of her, and her eyes lit up gold. Across her chest in a V shape was every star sign, shining with the same glow as her eyes. All across her arms were the same signs.
"Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens...
All the stars, far and wide...
Show me thy appearance...
With such shine."
The area around us became a void of different bright colours, and we were surrounded by huge spheres.
"Lady Lucy! Stop right now!" The same guard shouted. But she continued nonetheless.
"Oh Tetrabiblos...
I am the ruler of the stars...
Aspect become complete...
Open thy malevolent gate."
They were getting too close- Lucy wouldn't make it in time. Cana, also noticing this, stepped forward. She pulled out one of her cards and threw it towards them.
"Paralyse!" She cried. The card released a gas that caused all the guards to freeze in place.
"Finish it, Lucy!" She ordered.
"Oh 88 Stars of the heaven...
The spheres began charging towards all the guards. I was so mesmerised by the beauty of the magic that I hadn't noticed someone had broken out of the paralysis spell. He reached out for me, his pupils shaking with rage.
He took hold of my collar and dragged me into the midst of the guards.
"If I die, you'll die with me!" He threatened. In the split second we had left, he stabbed me in the shoulder with a blade laced in green liquid.
"Natsu!" I heard Lucy cry. The spell hit me instantly after the stab, along with all of the other guards. But the strange thing was that it didn't hurt. The spell, that is. The knife wound hurt like hell. But the spell...made me feel like something was unlocking inside me. Something was charging trough my veins, leaking into my soul.
It was strangely amazing.
The guards around me fell to the floor one after another, resulting in me standing alone in the centre of them. Lucy and Cana, who had only just managed to see me, couldn't believe their eyes.
"You're...okay..." Lucy whispered. I looked down at myself, confused.
"Yeah...for some weird reason," I muttered. Then I just shrugged it off, a smile on my face.
"That's a relief!" I said innocently.
"How the hell did he..." Cana added, trying to make sense of it.
"Hey!" I heard Erza's voice from behind. I spun round to see her running towards us with Juvia and Wendy.
"Lucy, you took them all out?" Wendy said, shocked. But before Lucy could reply she dropped to her knees. I ran to her side, making sure she was alright.
"Lucy?" I asked, concerned.
"I'm fine," she replied bluntly. "Just...tired."
"It's okay. Here, lean on me." I placed my arm on her shoulder and suddenly felt a bolt of energy. Lucy gasped, most likely feeling what I felt. She stared at up at me, confused.
"What the hell?" I said quietly. Lucy suddenly stood herself up, while staring at me with disbelief.
"I'm...not exhausted anymore," Lucy muttered. "My magic is fully restored."
"Guys, we need to hurry! The council will send even more reinforcements soon!" Wendy said, getting the back doors open. I ran with Lucy through the doors, causing the strange phenomenon to fade out of our minds.
"I'll block the exit," Levy said. After we'd closed the doors, she reached her arm out and used her magic. "Solid script! Iron!" She chanted. The word 'iron' appeared in the air, then flew right up against the doors before falling down onto the ground.
"They won't be able to open that anytime soon," she said, approving her handiwork.
"Okay, let's get away from-" the loss of blood from my wound finally began to kick in, as my vision grew dizzy.
"D-Damnit..." I muttered, stumbling a little.
"Natsu? What's wrong?" Lucy asked, as we both fell to our knees.
"W-Wait for me..." I muttered, my eyes beginning to shut. "I don't...wanna be alone again..."
"Natsu! Wake up!" Lucy shouted, panicking. Her cries for Wendy's help faded away in my ears, as sleep engulfed me completely.

-Lucy P.O.V-
I teared open Natsu's shirt, to see a bleeding knife wound.
"Oh my god..." I muttered, trying to identify how serious it was. Wendy hurried over to my side, and immediately began examining his wound.
"There must've been some kind of poison on the blade," Wendy explained. "I have no idea what it is, let alone it's effects."
"Well get it out of him!" I shouted, terrified. " can't die..." I muttered, holding onto him.
"Lucy...what kind of connection do you have to him, anyway?" Erza asked, noticing my overbearing concern.
"I...met him two days ago," I admitted. They all looked at me with complete disbelief.
"Then why in the hell do you care so much?" Cana added.
"I don't know! I don't...know..." I said, sobbing. "But whatever happens, he can't die. Please, Wendy. Do everything you can."
Erza sighed, shaking her head. "I don't know about you, but Natsu just sounds like trouble to me. First, he was immune to your most powerful spell, and now you have ridiculous feelings for him," She stated. " do care about him. And he seems to care about you, too. Come on, let's take him to the nearest hospital."
"I agree. Natsu seemed really concerned when Lucy lost her energy back there. That shows good intentions, if nothing else," Cana added. She leaned down and supported Natsu as she got back up. "Someone help," she said, struggling. Erza hurried over and supported Natsu's other side.
"Um, only Lucy's left the FRAS before..." Wendy said.
"Lucy, do you know where a hospital is?" Juvia added. My face went completely blank.
"U-Uh..." I muttered. "The only place I know is Magnolia, Natsu's hometown. We'll take him there," I decided, walking ahead.

"How far away is this place?!" Cana moaned, after a few hours of walking.
"I don't think I've ever walked this far in my life..." Levy continued.
"Calm down, we're nearly there," I assured them. I pointed to a small town in the distance.
"That's Magnolia," I said, proud of my direction skills.

We all stood in front to the town entrance, staring at the welcome sign.


"Lucy..." Erza started, agitation rising in her voice. "Does this look like Magnolia to you?"
"I must've taken a wrong turn or something..." I muttered, scratching my head.
"For heaven's sake...fine, we'll just have to rest here for the night," Cana said, entering first.
"I guess that's all we can do. I've sealed the wound, but Natsu won't last much longer. He needs to be properly treated," Wendy added.
"Sorry, guys..." I apologised gingerly.
"It's fine, Lucy. This place looks pretty nice, anyway!" Levy chirped, lightening the mood.

We had taken Natsu to the nearest doctor, who had just finished fully examining Natsu's condition. He came out of the room where Natsu had been stationed, and we all gathered round to hear what he had to say.
"You're all Rosafelt children, correct?" He asked. Everyone nodded except me.
"Well, she graduated not long ago," Cana said, pointing at me. His eyes widened.
"You must be the famous Lucy Heartfilia, then. It is truly a pleasure to meet you," he replied, bowing his head. I smiled, thankful for the kind gesture.
"Now, I don't know why you're all out of the FRAS," he continued. "But what I do know is that this man has been poisoned with a drug that was specifically created for Rosafelts," he explained. "It's a drug that infects any magic power inside the victim. Makes it...'unusable'. The poison causes the victim to lose consciousness, then it infects the magic power after roughly five hours. So he's only unconsciousness due to the loss of blood and the poison. Of course, since he has no magic power inside him, the poison's infectious abilities will have no effect. We just have to wait until it wears off, then he will wake up. The knife wound can simply be healed with-"
"I can heal it twice as fast than any medicine or bandage," Wendy butted in. "Healing is my magic's specialty."
"Healing magic? I never knew such a thing existed! Please, dear, come through here. This is something I have to see," the doctor replied, taking Wendy into Natsu's room.
"Well, now we just have to wait," Erza said, leaning back in her chair. I lowered my head, ashamed at being unable to protect Natsu.
"It's not your fault, Lucy," Juvia said, smiling at me.
"I know," I replied, sniffing. "I just...I could've done more."
Happy summer holidays! I am luckily on holiday for most of the summer but that does not take away the fact that I will use this time to get LOADS of writing done. What used to take me a week can be done in a day now! (Only if in in the mood, of course) I hope you've all got great summers planned, and enjoy your breaks!!!

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