Chaptet 35: Army Preperations

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-Natsu P.O.V-
"You're back! Thank goodness you're back!" Hisui cried, running towards us with her arms outstretched.
"Hisui!" Wendy yelled back with joy, returning the welcoming gesture by giving her a warm hug.
"Did it go okay? Were any of you hurt?" Hisui asked quickly, assessing Wendy carefully. I was confused at first, by how friendly they were towards each other. However I shortly after remembered that they had all spent six months with Hisui, befriending her, while Lucy and I were both asleep.
"I hope this isn't too much trouble, Princess," Lucy added, smiling brightly at her.
"Oh, no! Not at all!" Hisui replied, shaking her head in return. "You're our saviours, you and Natsu. Whatever you need we'll provide. And a base for your army is a necessity right now."
"Army, huh..." I repeated, sweat dropping. "That's still a lot to take in."
"This is the path you were both set on."
The mysterious voice came from the entrance to the throne room, where Toma had entered.
"Father..." Hisui greeted.
"Your parents entrusted this destiny in your hands," he continued, strolling over to us. "And watching fate unfold is truly magnificent."
He took hold of Lucy's hand and held it tightly.
"I believe in you two with all my heart," he said, smiling. "Make this country proud."

"Do you, by any chance, have any areas specified in scientific research?" Erza asked, holding a formal tone.
"Erza, you're always so serious," Hisui replied, laughing. "Yes, we have a lab. There are several scientists there specialised in magic research. I'll direct them to be under your command," she explained.
"Thank you," Levy broke in. "If we can figure out what caused Natsu's body to block out the magic restriction drug, then we may just be able to help other people get magic."
"Other people get magic? What do you mean?" Hisui asked, a puzzled look on her face.
"Oh, right," Levy replied. "This may come as a shock to you, Princess. We found a diary in the FRAS that contained extremely important information." Levy passed the diary over to Hisui, a grim look on her face.
"O-Okay, I'll read it now. By all means, get on with whatever research you need," she told us, taking the diary and strolling off into another room.
"You heard her," I added. "Let's get moving."

As we entered the lab, none of us had the words to describe it. It had practically every single piece of lab equipment ever to exist, most that I'd never even seen before. Various scientists were lined up at the entrance, with their heads bowed.
"We are all at your command, holy creators!" One said, who was further forward and positioned in the middle.
"R-Right..." I stuttered in return, with no idea what I was doing at all.
"We're focusing completely on physical examination," Lucy took over, stepping forward. "There is something in Natsu Dragneel that is essential for us, and our mission is is discover what it is. Exam as much as you have to until you find an unrecognisable substance or cell, then report immediately back to me."
"Yes, Lady Lucy!" They replied, like soldiers.
"W-Woah..." I muttered at Lucy's commander behaviour. "I hardly ever see you like that."
"Well, this is a serious matter. It needs to be completed as quickly as possible," she replied, slightly embarrassed. Suddenly, two of the scientists took hold of my arms.
"H-Hey!" I cried, glaring at them.
"Our apologies my Lord, but we need you in order to begin the examination," one of them explained.
"Oh, yeah..." I muttered back in an apologetic tone. "Well, I guess I'll see ya later Luce."
"Good luck!" She called out, as the two men dragged me towards some kind of machine.
"I'm gonna need more than luck..." I murmured, sighing.

-Hisui P.O.V-
"N-No..." I stuttered, dropping the book down on the desk of the library. "This can't be true..."
"So you read it, huh?"
I spun round on my heel, to see Cana leaning against the door frame of the library's entrance.
"C-Cana..." I stuttered, tears in my eyes. "Is this really..."
"Yes, unfortunately. It was found beside a dead man's body, whom we assumed must've been trying to release the information. It's definitely reliable."
"B-But how could they have done this?!" I cried out, the anger taking over me. "It's stupid! They thought they'd be more powerful by taking magic away from the country?! Magic isn't a weapon, magic is..."
Cana walked over to me, and smiled.
"What do you think magic is, Princess?" She asked.
"What...magic is?" I repeated. "Magic...magic is a gift, to protect. If I had magic, I'd use it that way," I replied.
"Funny...that's exactly how Lucy sees it. If only she hadn't been sleeping for so many months, maybe you two would've been better friends."
"I wish to be acquainted with both of them more," I admitted, sighing. "After all, they are this country's saviours."
"You know, you shouldn't use that as an excuse."
I glanced at Cana, a confused look on my face.
"An excuse? What do you mean?" I asked her.
"Well, everyone just keeps blaming everything on the fact that they're our 'saviours'. Don't you just want to meet them as people?"
My eyes widened slightly, realising what Cana meant.
"The holy creators are great, sure," she began, while she grinned at me and laughed. "But Lucy and Natsu are awesome."

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