Chapter 25: Our Plan Of Action

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-Lucy P.O.V-
Breathe. Concentrate. Imagine. Control. Think.
I felt divinity, with its strong presence, emerge from my hands and watched as it begin to take shape. How the tiny white twinkling particles formed steel, gold, and iron. I hadn't been able to create a weapons successfully until now- I was only just grasping how challenging divinity was to master. However, this time it was perfect.
I grabbed the sword I had created from mid air, and aimed the sharp edge towards my target. Nothing but a test dummy for now, but that could change any time.
"Forgive me," I whispered, and lodged the sword directly through it's heart.

-Lucy P.O.V-
"Cana, what the hell were you thinking?!" I shouted, as soon as the shock from Natsu's power had faded away.
"I was thinking that he could block it, and he did. I get how you feel Lucy, but-"
"No, you have no idea how that feels!" I yelled back. "It's like throwing a knife at another part of me, a part that I care for more than myself!"
"Lucy," Natsu began. "I'm okay. Calm down."
I turned to him, with heavy breathing and beads of sweat covering me. I realised, very quickly, how melodramatic I had been. And the words I had used. Embarrassing, yet again.
"I..." I murmured, slightly embarrassed. "I'm sorry," I managed to get out, before I hurried out of the dining room and slammed the door shut behind me.

"Lucy, come back!" I heard Natsu call out after me. I ignored him, making my way down hallways I didn't recognise at all. After all, I'd only been here two days. Well, been awake here two days.
It didn't take me long to reach a dead end. I had found myself in a huge conservatory, with all the walls replaced by glass. It was a beautiful room, but I didn't have time to appreciate it now. However as soon I turned round, Natsu was in front of me.
"Lucy, don't get upset," he said calmly.
"It's not fair!" I shouted back, tears already streaming down my cheeks. "Every time something happens to you I act like it's the end of the world! And people stare at us like we're idiots! Doesn't it bother you as well?"
"Yes, of course it does," he replied.
"Well, you sure as hell aren't acting like it!"
"When you were kidnapped by the council I was locked up in a basement."

His words caused me to fall silent. I stared at him in shock, unable to speak any further.
"I wasn't responding to what people were saying. I completely lost myself. I would've killed all of them, if Makarov didn't know about us. Do you know how that makes me feel?"
He paused, but my continued silence told him to go on.
"But that's not all this is," he started. "This is something amazing. Because I can always tell if you're in danger. I can protect you, like I was built to do."
I couldn't help it- I blushed.
"But why do you care so much about me? Someone you barely know?"
"I don't barely know you, Lucy. I've grown up with you. I know you better than anyone."
I couldn't answer, simply because he was telling the truth.
"You feel the exact same way, Lucy," he said, as if he could read my thoughts. Even if he could, by this point it wouldn't surprise me.
"You know me like the back of your hand. And we can be there for each other all the time," he continued.

I didn't understand it. The way he could be so childish, and act like the biggest idiot who had no idea what he was doing, then how he'd suddenly switch to this strong, inspirational adult who I could put all my trust in...
"Hope," he muttered, causing me to glance away from the floor that my thoughts had dragged me to. He laughed slightly, the innocent smile I adored appearing once again.
"You have hope in me?" He asked. I stared at him, unable to comprehend his sudden change of character.
"Don't do this," I began. "Don't mess with me."
"It was a simple question-"
"Then it's a simple answer!" I shouted back. "Of course I have hope in you! Who else can I put my trust in?!"
"Lucy, it's okay-"
"No, it's not! Not this time!" I yelled back.
"This time it's on our shoulders! This time everything evolves around us! And here I am losing myself over something as simple as-"
He cut me off with a kiss.

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