Chapter 8: They Are The Future

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-Natsu P.O.V-
I'd never been more excited to see the Domino train station than I was now. Normally I dreaded coming here- but simply the thought of getting off this train was a dream to me.
As soon as the train came I halt I collapsed onto the platform, exhausted from the constant sickness from the journey.
"Wendy, heal him!" Lucy shouted, panicking.
"Calm down, I'm okay..." I muttered, getting my breath back. "That was the worst experience of my life."
"Do you not normally have motion sickness?" Levy asked. I shook me head.
"No. Never," I replied. "Anyway, let's just head to Gramps' house. He might have an idea of what's going on."
"Gramps?" Wendy repeated. "Is that the pervy man who likes Rosafelts?"
"He's not a perve!" I shouted back.
"He sounds like a perve," Juvia said under her breath.
"Fine, think what you like. Let's go."

I guided them all out of the train station and towards Gramps' house.
"It's only a twenty minute walk. We'll be there soon," I told them. Gramps's house was isolated, miles away from any town or village. made our way through the various forests that we rounded the outskirts of Domino, until we arrived at his small excuse for a home.

"Is this where he lives?" Lucy asked me. I nodded.
"His name is Makarov Dreyar. He's annoying as hell," I explained.
"He sounds nice," Lucy said, smiling. "He looked after you, didn't he?"
I gave her a weird look, confused at her question.
"How did you know that?"
"You feel welcome," she said. "You feel like you're home."
"I left here when I was fifteen. I wouldn't exactly call this 'home'," I replied. She gave me a cheeky smirk.
"That's not what your heart says."
I frowned at her, but I couldn't stop the smile
creeping in as well.
"You're annoying."
"You're lonely. Don't worry, I'll look after you," she said, patting my head. I looked away, embarrassed. Then I just grabbed her hand and pulled her inside, the others following behind.

"Gramps?" I called out to the empty room. "You here?"
A few seconds later I heard frantic footsteps coming from upstairs.
"N...a...s...t...u!" He cried from above. He came running down the stairway, wider eyes and filled with excitement. "Where the hell have you been?!"
"I left, idiot!" I shouted back, already pissed off with him.
"Did Natsu just call someone an idiot?" Erza muttered.
"I heard that," I replied. Gramps hurried over and jumped on top of me, then wrapped his arms around my neck.
"Get off me, old man!" I complained.
"You're home!" He said happily.
"Like you would care!" I argued back. "Listen, we need help. These are Rosafelt children from the FRAS."
This instantly got his attention. He stood up straight, and walked past me over to the girls.
"You're Rosafelt children?" He asked, doing all sorts of weird things like stroking their hands and feeling their hair.
"He is a perve after all..." Cana whispered.

"We're all children except Lucy, sir," Erza answered. At the name Lucy, Gramps went completely still.
" in Lucy Heartfilia?" He muttered, as if he was terrified of her.
"Yeah...why?" I asked. Lucy stepped forward, smiling. "I'm Lucy, sir," she said, bowing her head. He glanced at me, Lucy, then back at me again.
"How long have you two spent together?" He questioned. He was acting like it was a life or death situation.
"Only a few days," she answered.
"They've been acting really weird to each other," Cana added. "We were hoping you'd know something about it."
He nodded quickly. "Yes, unfortunately I know more than I'm supposed to."
We looked over, our full attention now on him.
"You do? So there is something going on?" I asked. He ignored me, deep in his thoughts.
"Surely it can't be's gone too quickly..." He said to himself.
"Sir, Natsu was immune to Lucy's most powerful magic, and Lucy got ill from a magic poison that was inside Natsu. We would just like to know how and why these two are connected to each other like this," Erza said politely. Gramps faced me directly, his face and tone extremely serious.
"Listen, you have no idea how important you and Lucy are. The whole country is relying on you," he told me.
I simply listened with a dumbfounded expression.
"You both have to make your way to Crocus," he continued. "Go to the castle, and tell the guards I sent you. They'll take you straight to the King."
"The King? What would the King want from us?" Lucy asked.
"I can't explain now. It'll just panic you," he replied. "Everything will become clear eventually."
Cana sighed, annoyed. "Yeah, that's what we've been telling ourselves this whole time."
"I'll pack you all the things you'll need. Crocus is a two day trip by train."
"D-Did you just say two day trip by train?" I mumbled, already imagining the train's movement making my stomach turn.

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